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N. Korea vs. S. Korea

Since the attack on the South Korean submarine several days ago, tensions between North Korea and South Korea are growing worse. North Korea claimed to break all existing pacts with South Korea and threatened to turn South Korea into a "sea of fire".

North Korea have been threatening to destroy South Korea/Japan/U.S.A. for the past 50 years. This is most likely just the latest in a long line of empty threats. If North Korea does, however, use the nukes that everyone thinks they have, then the US will finally get off their asses and do something about it. Chine won't risk the ire of the US by supporting North Korea in such an event so North Korea will be fucked.
Why does the US always have to do something... let some other country worry about it ugh...
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The north's citizenry is a mass of brainwashed prisoners.Since I can't embed the film here, watch the documentary Welcome to North Korea by Peter Tetteroo.


Try that. Josh.

@Modomon: Well, we kind of have a treaty with South Korea, so we would probably do something anyways.
The U.S.A. also allowed the DPRK to be around today. If they had kept pushing at the end of the Korean War then South Korea would have consumed the North and Kim Il Sung would never have achieved power. True democracy would have been implemented in Korea earlier and both the US and Korea would be in better positions. Ignoring that, the US have had ample opportunities to fix a problem that they had a hand in creating.
Well... if NKorea attacks SKorea, it would be a rockus.... i dont think USA would dare to invade/bomb, since china is so darn close. And since USA is a bit of interest to china, they would declare war. Then, Russia would attack anything nearby, japan attacks china, we here in sweden will just stand and watch like we always do. And oh yeah canada dies.

Not really, but its not that simple. USA cant just attack Nkorea without consequenses, and yeah. Nkorea got nukes. They made some testing in 2003 and 2005 that was measured too, so yeah, they got'em. And then, Nkorea have no communication with the surrounding world, wich makes USA go "Wtf is happening". Srsly, they are like that. I hope they wont attack... i would be really bad...

from an unsecure source i found out that Nkorea might have up to 8 nukes. Image them launching to important cities and places in USA. Say, Pentagon, DC (i dont know where USA has their army but yeah, you get my point), USA would be almost completely wiped out, no army, noone to orginize an counterattack.

I might be wrong, so please correct me if i am.
"I've seen enough rule number 34 to burn down a large catholic school" - Bish
CIA sources say that as of 2003 the DPRK (North Korea) had enough enriched plutonium to make 10 nuclear weapons. The amount they have now is unknown. The DPRK have tested certain elements of a functionable nuclear weapon (detonators, delivery devices) although they haven't tested a workable nuclear weapon that can cause widespread and significant damage (the 2006 test was only 1 kiloton, not enough to be a significant threat).
Originally Posted by Onamist View Post
CIA sources say that as of 2003 the DPRK (North Korea) had enough enriched plutonium to make 10 nuclear weapons. The amount they have now is unknown. The DPRK have tested certain elements of a functionable nuclear weapon (detonators, delivery devices) although they haven't tested a workable nuclear weapon that can cause widespread and significant damage (the 2006 test was only 1 kiloton, not enough to be a significant threat).

Ah alright. Source link maybe? :3 would love to read more.
"I've seen enough rule number 34 to burn down a large catholic school" - Bish