Well, I did a lot of fail sketches in the start so I don't really know exact estimate, but I guess around 2 hours, maybe less.
Great drawing. The shading on its grotesque stomach looks great. The armor is awesome :3
I would want to meet something like that while I'm swimming. I think you'd make great concept artist.
Looks like a male seahorse-bot.

Love the art style, the white brushestrokes near the tail look too hard though. They could be softer.
Originally Posted by Gryphon View Post
I think you'd make great concept artist.

Pretty much this. Shading is excellent, you seem to have alot of talent. The concept is really good, and I really like the metallic looks.
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The porportions are off on the mermaid tail, and you should of lowered
the mermaid bot at waist length with the water the stomach is just
freaking me out right now. does not fit at all but nice coloring.

Originally Posted by Macrid View Post
The porportions are off on the mermaid tail, and you should of lowered
the mermaid bot at waist length with the water the stomach is just
freaking me out right now. does not fit at all but nice coloring.


I know it looks small compared to his huge stomach and body, I'm not blind. But I don't want it to look like a regular boring mermaid, I want it to have character, overdo a little and make something strange out of it, that is what makes art exciting. What is exciting about sticking to normal "mermaid proportions" that everyone else are doing? in that way you won't create anything new, and all products will be exactly the same. seeing as it is a creature that lives underwater the idea is still plausible.
Last edited by Ezeth; Jun 15, 2011 at 04:43 PM.