I, for one, don't really consider myself to have a religion. I somewhat believe in something, but not someone, and I don't worship it or anything. Anyway, I do and don't agree with 'blastamy' =P.

I believe it can be alright in certain circumstances. I don't like how many religions push their beliefs on you, as well as force you to do things you don't want to. Now, this doesn't need to lead to insulting and mocking, but I can see how people will do it. For example in Christianity, you give something up for lent; someone who is not Christian might be is this benefiting you, or the religion.

I don't agree with it when its just basically ignorance. There is no need to be like, "Jesus sucks, I'm better then him." If you don't believe in him, there is no need to put down others' beliefs.

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Originally Posted by Hardy512 View Post
Why do people think its cool to insult and mock :Jesus,God,buda,12 gods of olympus?
Plz tell me cause it pisses me off!

i for myself had a cross hanging in my class.... since im atheist and weve got a law which prohibits religious symbols in school i took off the cross and brought it to the teachers room... it crushed on my way there (i mistakenly dropped it) and since then i´m getting hated by any catholic person in my class is that fair?

Catholicism and religions at all got a very high potential for being used for imperialism and thing like that... also on mentally layers... so you can "own" minds as well... and this whole our land our religion thingy isnt anything beside that and if i call that shit it isnt blasphemy ...
666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666
Well see... Throwing out insults is bad, but I am firm believer in Satire and such. If someone makes fun and it is well thought out, then i find it funny, even if it is about my own beliefs.
Every saint has a past, every sinner has a future.
You are an idiot.
We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
Maybe you should get into a debate over religion with these guys who offend your religion, If you can't come up with anything to combat the ridicule, then maybe you should just ignore the prick.

Also, This is just me, but I think non believers, heretics, blasphemers, etc, deserve this because of a couple of thousand years of oppression just because we believed in something other than a male floating over us watching us.

Last I checked, Words aren't nothing compared to a stone to the face, or burned at the stake, or killed.

You guys are lucky we don't have sick ass atheists who would kill religious people because they believe in a guy floating in the air.

So, religions should let our words go and turn the other cheek, again it's not like we actually kill you guys like you guys did us.