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[Done] New Clan Logo
Well, I have noticed our clan logo is a bit old and missing a lot of people that joined the clan after its creation and that even some people in the logo have left or changed their set, tori's appearence (as me for example) and I felt like it would be good to create a new one, with a different style of the one we are using. The clan has a lot of great artists and I don't think it would be a problem to find people to make this.

So, the idea is that the members' of the clan, especially those who have some art experince, do a work colab in order to create a new logo for the clan. Thus, all members' could participate, as in the art itself as with suggestions/art criticism.

It'd work basically like this:

That's about it, what do you guys think? In the case it will be a thing I suppose we'll have to do this in the public section, since some members don't have access to this board.
Yes, waifu is a plus guy, but we have Chris, Yiazmat, Jodus, Aracoon ia studying design(so is waifu), I also can try to help. There's a lot of people to work. I think it will be fun.
I vote we just make our logo the Spanish Inquisition hat.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Ok, if you guys think we are ready to do this I think we should move this thread to the public section to see other members' suggestions.