Original Post
(SnS) SuperNova Recruitment
(SnS) Pause Recruitment
Min belt: Green Belt
Forum Activity, Qualify Yourself 1-10:
In-Game Activity,Qualify Yourself 1-10:
Why You Want To Join In (SnS) SuperNova?:
Tell something about yourself:

Post 5 of Your Best Replays: (not required but welcomed)
Last edited by Bloodkilz; May 31, 2014 at 03:22 AM.
My application
Name: AidenBash
Belt: Green belt
Age: 10 im sorry im so young
Skype(optional) I keep my Skype to my self
Forum Activity, Qualify Yourself 1-10: 2
In-Game Activity,Qualify Yourself 1-10: 8
Why You Want To Join In (SnS) SuperNova?: Because im new to toribash and seen many other clans and how they get along and have fun together. I want to fight as a group too!
Tell something about yourself: I am an all A and B student in school and my favorite tori bash mods are judo and jousting.
Name: Sean Howell
Belt: Black
Forum Activity, Qualify Yourself 1-10: 1
In-Game Activity,Qualify Yourself 1-10: 10
Why You Want To Join In (SnS) SuperNova?: Im looking for a good clan and this clan has a cool name.
Tell something about yourself: I like judo, wushu, and judofrac. I started feb. 9th 2014
My replays got corrupted XD
Sorry, I have no Skype.
5 or so.
8 or more sometimes.
Blood is cool and I've always wanted a team of cool people on Toribash.
I am atticted to Toribash and a vivid computer gamer, I play many generes of games but I prefer things that challenge you or your brain.
Name: Lesserone
Belt: Yellow
Age: 15
Skype(optional) ericalt242
Forum Activity, Qualify Yourself 1-10: 6
In-Game Activity,Qualify Yourself 1-10: 7
Why You Want To Join In (SnS) SuperNova?: Because blood made me apply
Tell something about yourself: I am in love with Popo and Bubbles.
Skype: N/A
In-Game activity: 5
forum activity: 1 i will come to the forum more if needed
Why i want to join: It seems like fun to join a group plus i was asked
Something about my self: i cant stop jerkin it
Name: WetYoga
Belt: Blue
Age: 21
Skype(optional) Osama Catladen
Forum Activity, Qualify Yourself 1-10: 1
In-Game Activity,Qualify Yourself 1-10: 8
Why You Want To Join In (SnS) SuperNova?: I want to be the very best, like no one ever was.
Tell something about yourself: In West Philadelphia born and raised. On the playground is where I spent most of my days.
Min belt: Green Belt
Forum Activity, Qualify Yourself 1-10:1
In-Game Activity,Qualify Yourself 1-10:6
Why You Want To Join In (SnS) SuperNova?:Because I play with you guys everyday
Tell something about yourself: I am a mod on mcm
Wicked Euphoria application
Min belt: Green Belt
Name: WickedEuph
Belt: Orange Belt
Age: 20 (21 in less than a month)
Forum Activity, Qualify Yourself 1-10: 1
In-Game Activity,Qualify Yourself 1-10: 6
Why You Want To Join In (SnS) SuperNova?: Because I am part of SnS in general
Tell something about yourself: You love me