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[REL] ccam.tbm
I combined the mods Crazy Cars and AirPlane(rich) to make a new mod!

I couldnt get a good screenie of it due to the distance players are, so download the mod and play it yourself! =D
Attached Files
ccam.tbm (2.7 KB, 21 views)
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Two things:
Two modes that don't really go together
and anyone could have done it.



Originally Posted by Ishi View Post
Two things:
Two modes that don't really go together
and anyone could have done it.



I only did this as a test anyways, im not uploading it or anything lawl.
Anyways its kinda fun when the Uke person crashes into the car while Tori jumps off the car to not get hit in the explosion ;3
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Thanks, and anyways I noticed that I made the airplane shoot straight at the car with the same speed kinda.

So if the car doesnt kill you first, it will definantly kill Uke.
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