Original Post
[R] 60-80k head request
Hey guys. I am tired of always wearing a set I just want a sexy head. It must go great with kevlar force and pure relax along with kevlar gradients. You have two choices. You can make me a joker henchman mask/ clown head (creepy). Or a monster that looks very smexy. If you do the monster (of any kind, could be a troll for all I care) the monster should have like reinforced metal parts on his face. Also both must be 512x512. If you are planning on making this please post I'm in and what head you will attempt. Thanks

End date: NONE

Price: 60-80k

Size: 512x512

NO PREMADES am I clear ?
Last edited by Chaco; Feb 24, 2012 at 05:32 AM.
Well it depends. The Joker Henchmen is a little more specific and I might more be picky about. But the monster is kind of free style. So the clown has to be just right, but if you make it just right I'd prefer that. But i'd also love a sexy monster.
xD you should atleast water mark that. Also no that has nothing to do with my request. A reasonable price for that would be like 5-10k.