Originally Posted by Sparkyau View Post
Where do you guys go campin?

It's a camping zone very close to the beach (200m)
You can camp there for 4 days only since it's a protected natural park, I'll show some photos to you guys :P
Originally Posted by SrCheetah View Post
It's a camping zone very close to the beach (200m)
You can camp there for 4 days only since it's a protected natural park, I'll show some photos to you guys :P

Sounds awesome, can't wait for the gallery of picture!

I'll be on a boat soon, travelling to the Whitsundays. I'll be sure to take some pictures of that!
Originally Posted by Sparkyau View Post
Sounds awesome, can't wait for the gallery of picture!

I'll be on a boat soon, travelling to the Whitsundays. I'll be sure to take some pictures of that!

Nice ! I love going on boat

What is the rest of Vibe doing in vacation ?
Originally Posted by Lampito View Post

That was the most childish thing I've seen today, congratulations, you can now proceed to stop shitposting :3
You guys are going camping and vacation while I'm here playing tb, drawing and occasionally working out. Wow GG #thirdworldcountryproblems.
So basically, Devil and I dueled our dignity. It was a first to 3, loser has to have "___'s Bitch" as part of their forum signature for a week. As you can see, it's clearly not in my signature.
heheh lol,nice prank.
im thinking if you lose.....DEVIL'S BITCH. it should be really shamefull.
Originally Posted by CloudFair3 View Post
You guys are going camping and vacation while I'm here playing tb, drawing and occasionally working out. Wow GG #thirdworldcountryproblems.

ohh cloud....your fate is just same as me.
Last edited by Mattkit5; Jun 15, 2015 at 09:11 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Heya guys, we are fated to meet in the next round of CL. What would be the best time for you guys to war us. Its gonna take a hour or two Im guessing. Our GMTs are around +0-+3 the sooner the better Id say since anything can happen with these kind of tourneys.
Originally Posted by cowmeat View Post
Heya guys, we are fated to meet in the next round of CL. What would be the best time for you guys to war us. Its gonna take a hour or two Im guessing. Our GMTs are around +0-+3 the sooner the better Id say since anything can happen with these kind of tourneys.

I have GMT +1, but who even needs to sleep right ?