Original Post
[Art] Blue and Red
Well, I might as well post it here to bring some activity up in this bitch.

If anyone have a good name suggestion for this image I'd love to hear it.

Bigger version here:
download for 3000x2000 preview.

Yeah I know I could paint a ton more stuff on there, but I don't have time for more stuff today so maybe tomorrow or something.
Last edited by Ezeth; Oct 28, 2011 at 10:35 PM.
Your lighting and use of color has definitely gotten better, I think this might be my favorite piece of yours.

clueless in regards to a proper name though
back from the dead
I immediately thought of Nocturnal (of or pertaining to the night) Abyss (a deep, immeasurable space)

But as I already stated in the art thread Should be more red instead of yellow. I think a bit darker too.

It might just be me but the forearm on that -> arm looks short. and that <- arm looks too close to the torso. It might be better father away from the body. That -> elbow looks slightly bent backwards too.

Sorry for my bad editing skills:

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