I love Magic, but the card game, and I don't think a PC/XboX game would be nice, anyways I will try it..
Pois nasci nunca vi amor
E ouço del sempre falar
Originally Posted by Tapion View Post
What I'm wondering is.... how do you play against yourself?

Very slowly. Since I want an unbiased move every time, I first do the early game bits, as those normally won't be influenced by the other player's moves. After 3 turns, I basically do 1 turn an hour, so I can forget what the other hand consists of and can only work off what's infront of me.

It's long, but it's rather interesting to see what comes out of it. I once was absolutely certain I was going to beat myself (odd statement) in 3 turns, only to come back an hour later and look at the other hand and realize that I win with this hand in 2.

I have usually 2 games running at once, one with two very basic decks I contstructed (red goblin and black life steal) and another with my ressurection deck and either my sliver deck (almost never win with ressurection this was), or my stuffy deck when I'm testing stuff out.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
I have a deck....
Shit eats other shit and makes even more shit that makes other shit bigger.

This is essentially the deck.

Last edited by Yourface; Jul 1, 2011 at 07:00 AM.
@ Tapion

I've tried it, it's not easy.


Try combining stuffy doll with guilty consience


I got a blue wizard deck too, but it's a scry + tap deck.

Meant for tag team duels, you use scry to plan your cards ahead of time, so you get which cards you need, when you need it.
Last edited by PanzerSoul; Jul 1, 2011 at 06:59 AM. Reason: typo
Other deck I had, was a forest elf deck, using Well Wishers.

"Tap well wisher, and recieve 1 health for each elf in play"

Oh, that was a great deck, with 2 well wishers out ^_^
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Originally Posted by PanzerSoul View Post

Try combining stuffy doll with guilty consience

Why bother killing off the enemy creatures when all damage dealt to stuffy is dealt back to target player? Unless... wait... OHHHHHHHHHH. Shit man that's cash. Never thought of that before.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games