Original Post
Chapter 1 - The Mask
Good (pretty) copy:

Formatting is nice


I slowly opened my heavy pale eyes to see a window. It was a beautiful, sunny day, just as I had hoped it would be. I started to roll over to my right to see if my beautiful wife Cornelius was still sleeping. And to my shock she was gone.
Suddenly it hit me again. My wife, was gone. This isn't first time I woken up half-awake yearning to see my two month deceased wife. Why, why me? Why would this "Boss" do such a thing to me? Hire a professional wrestler (Creati0n), hunt down my family, and threaten to kill them if I didn't join their top secret Organization, "Inquisition". Today was my 53rd day on the job, and all I have been doing is walking around town. As for why, I have no clue! I receive instructions of where I am supposed to go; at what time, in the morning. It comes in a little sealed envelope, sealed with a burning-blue LK symbol on it. What could it mean? I have no clue?
You may be wondering, why my wife had died. After all, I gave in to the abomination that was Creati0n. Unfortunately, that could not stop his blood-thirsty rage, and he brutally murdered her in front of me, and my son, "ape". Oh right, ape. He was taken from me that same night, escorted into a dark, tinted van. I heard his screams coming from the trunk, and I longed to be with him, to support him, tell him everything would be alright. But no, this, "Inq" had taken him away from me. If I do not comply with the orders I am given, they threaten to kill my son, and I would not let such a brutal fate come upon my child.
I rose out of bed, as the blood seeped down to my toes, giving me vertigo instantly. I did the usual, brush my teeth, get into my suit, and exit the condo. Oh yes the condo, I forgot about that. "Inquisition", had "generously" given me a condo to live in, as well as all the resources I need, and much more. Maybe, they wanted to make me feel at home, to make me forgive them. As if I would do such a thing. They are killers, and I will never forget that.
I walked out the front door, opening today's sealed letter.

I am pleased to see you fulfilled yesterday's task, and as requested made sure to add Sushi to the menu for dinner. Now onto today's task.
10:00am - You are to arrive at "Bust's Coffee" as per usual, and pick up a medium tea, half-and-half. You are free to speak to whoever you wish.
11:00am - This is your time to do whatever is needed, please go shopping for clothes, or go home to take a nap.
1:00pm - Go to 9241 Trebuchet Rd, here you will see an old abandoned house. You are to NOT enter the house. I repeat, NOT to enter the house. I say once more, you are NOT to enter the house. Once you arrive, please attach this device to the east side of the house, near the left-most bush. Do so quietly and discreetly.
2:00pm - Free time once more
6:00pm - Dinner with Goughey. I am not able to give you any information on this event. Just go to "Bish's Bar and Grill", and sit at table 42.
This is all. Please accomplish these tasks, and all will go well.
Best Regards,

"That son of a bitch, how dare he..."I began to speak before stopping, feeling cold metal on the back of my neck.
"Shh... do not worry. You'll be okay as long as you do what you're told to."the voice said.
"Wh.. who are you?" I replied stammering, "And what do you want?"
The voice behind me laughed, "I'm Muur. And what I want is for you to listen very carefully."
I nodded my head slowly. Whatever this maniac wanted, I would give to them. I didn't want to die, not without seeing my son.
"I want you to take what is in this package, and apply it to yourself."
The figure behind me held out a box in front of me, still not allowing me to see their face. The box was medium sizes, and was quite light, "What is it?"
"Why don't you go ahead and look?"
I slowly gripped the edges of box, and rose it from it's container. I was appalled, I was disturbed, I was scared. What I saw before me what the most terrifying, and gorey thing I had ever seen in my life. It was a... a face! It looked like a face from a man in his late 20s. But that wasn't the worst part! For some reason, the face had been painted a strange shade of blue. It was painted very well, and someone put a lot of effort to make this... realistic. Also, on the head was a flower. I was not sure why this was important, but it added a sense of creepiness to it.
"You will see that there is a strap attached to the back, so you can cover your face with it." the voice said, "Now don't speak, don't turn around, or I will shoot. Goodbye... Kyure."
I heard footsteps behind me, and I didn't move an inch. I didn't dare turn around, or drop the box. I had to do what she said, for I feared the worst. Was she with Inq? Could she have seen my son? But why was this not in the daily schedule? It was all too much for me, but I couldn't let myself crack. No, not yet.
I slowly took the face out of the box, and and blood started dripping from the back. I gagged in my mouth a bit. I slowly took the straps from the back, put them around my head, and put it on my face. I could feel the warm blood start to trickle down my face.
What the hell did I get myself into?
Last edited by Kyure; Aug 6, 2014 at 09:26 AM.