Original Post
[Essence] Recruitment (Updated)

Forum Activity: (1-10)
In-Game Activity: (1-10)
Accomplishments: (Moderator, Old Clan Leader etc)
Reputation (Don't be modest):
Why do you want to join?:
What can you bring to the clan?:

Originally Posted by Lord View Post
Example of a Good Application:
Belt: God Belt
Age: 19
Post: 11000
In-Game Activity: 11
Forum activity: 12
Skills: I am talented at Aikido and Judo. I am also very good at texture making and using gigantic jargons that no one understands.
Accomplishments: I was once a moderator for chaos nest. Leader of [K]ingdomz which died and horrible death.
Why do you want to join?: I want to join because I wish to spread joy. I wish to join a clan where all the members are friendly, mature and open minded like I am. I thought that Essence would be perfect.
What can you bring to the clan?: I can bring good humour and I can provide alot of help. Obviously there is the matter of TC and good reputation but I can easily provide.

Example of a Bad Application (What we are currently receiving.)
Belt: liek yello 900 to black
In-Game Activity: liek 3
Skills: i can beat teh uki guy
Accomplishments: i was admin or somting
Why do you want to join?: cos essense is cool
What can you bring to the clan?: TCs and shit

Essence is a near invite only clan. You will have to post a good application if you are serious about joining. Good luck!
and definitely not in defenestration gaming