Originally Posted by Tengo View Post
My dad caught me masturbating.



eeeever :' D

I luckily haven't any near death moment yet.
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Actually, now that I think about it.. I've had 1 moment where I was really about to die.

and it would've been really horrible/embarrassing if I died that time, here's what happened:

So, I was eating this chocolate thing, I'm not sure myself exactly what kind it was but it looked simmilar to this.

I ate it in my sofa, just chillin front of the tv with my big brother and his friend also in the sofa but a bit away from me.

I chocked on 1 of these chocolate things and at first I just sat there and tried to get it out of my throat calmly without making a scene but it wouldn't come out.

So when I realized that I was really chocking I ran to the kitchen and tried my hardest to just spit it out but it still would'nt come out. At this point I was really scared and I could feel myself being in trouble.

my little sister started screaming and my big brother started making his way into the kitchen. My dad did the famous thing where you put your arms around someone's stomach and just press and it came out xD (it didn't come out on the first try, he had to try 1-2 times and it really hurts xD)

really close there, glad to be alive

after something like this happens to you, you become more grateful for everything you have. So if your lucky enough to get out alive, you can turn it into something positive :'D
Last edited by Simon; Oct 31, 2011 at 09:15 PM.
Almost Drowned.

Some little kids dared me into jumping into the deep end(12 ft) and my stupid self did it the water was overtaking me so i yelled for help and the lifeguard saved me.
Some of you guys have had some seriously scary stuff.

The closest for me would be when I was in 3rd grade. We were playing hide 'n' go seek, and I tried to get out of my hiding spot. I slipped on a metal bar and my wrist landed on a broken glass jar. It went like 3/4 into my wrist, and blood was spilling everywhere. I was about to faint from blood loss (I can't believe I didn't, it was a ton of blood).

Anyway, the scar was on the side of my wrist, thankfully. If it had been about an inch to the left it would have sliced all my veins and could have been lethal.

Also, last year I tripped when I was exiting the woods and my knee landed on some very sharp concrete sitcking out the ground. This was another trip to the E.R., with tons of blood, again. But for some reason, this one only hurt for like a few minutes. After that I was just looking at my knee like "wow, that sucks..."

Funny, I walked into the E.R. with my knee and the attendant was like "oh shit." I walked up and said "I have a little bit of a knee problem." I thought it was pretty damn funny. I could see my entire knee bone before the blood gushed over it. Very shiny.
This guy was once a GameMaster
Originally Posted by luckymoney View Post
I was in peterborough with my friend Justas we where on our way home
we where going past these pakistans and one of them for no reason punched me in the face the other one grabbed hold of my coat and they started beating me up for no reason at all i caught loose and started to run as fast as i can i hid behind some cars when i sneaked back home my friend was there he sayed he called the police. i had a popped blood vessel in my eye and my eye was black
and i was brused on the ribs and legs so from now on im taking the busses instead of walking

Oh my god, why would someone just suddenly come up to you and punch you in the face anyway. Maybe it's GTA screwing with their minds.
Sorry to hear all that by the way <3
Mine is when I got stabbed by someone I fought with.
But I went to a hospital and the doctor said It was a close call,
and in the end everything turned out ok.
~I make videos and stuff~
I was in a car accident, and my face was bleeding everywhere.
It was just like one centimeter under my eye so I was lucky.
I had a nosebleed, but when my wounds healed it looked like my face had been burned.
Was lying down in bed, decided to lob a jelly lolly up into the air, make it hit the ceiling and then catch it in my mouth. It ended up getting stuck in my throat. Choked for a bit then got it out. Also in the car driving to the airport in Sweden, in the dark, in winter, on icy roads.
i was like 5 or so and i triped and hit my head on a woden chair and also when i was 7 i hit my head in a concred wall i was looking the other way and i never noticed it.