Original Post
Direct Purchases from Nabi
Like many other games you can buy things to help you in-game, but you have to use PayPal.
Many teens like me have debit/credit cards but can't use PayPal. That's why Toribash site should add another payment option for toriprime, Buying qi, and other things.
You don't need a PayPal account to buy shit, you just enter the info
My signature was too long so I got this pretty rainbow here instead now. Isn't it nice? This is a nice rainbow.

Risk did this to me and I hate him forever, please join the official "Fuck Risk in the Ass With a Live Bat" social group to join me in hating Risk:
Click here to join my cult to fuck Risk in the ass with a live bat
Can I get a link to toriprime then?
Found the subs, payable only by PayPal.
Last edited by Pwr; Jan 19, 2013 at 08:44 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Yes, but no one realizes
Go there
A bit down it says,'don't have a Paypal account, pay with a card'
My signature was too long so I got this pretty rainbow here instead now. Isn't it nice? This is a nice rainbow.

Risk did this to me and I hate him forever, please join the official "Fuck Risk in the Ass With a Live Bat" social group to join me in hating Risk:
Click here to join my cult to fuck Risk in the ass with a live bat
Thanks plata, closing thread
Accidently just wasted 10$ , I went to your link not mines...
Last edited by Pwr; Jan 19, 2013 at 10:15 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump