well, i don't know anymore i took the name cause i used in at other game pretty often.
i was 12 in can't remember what i meant with 'zyxoonix'
Originally Posted by ToriTroll View Post
its funny because you don't know me and are just saying that so you have an excuse to use your new smiley.

you're just around all the time, spamming clan boards and stuff with your nonsense you call "trolling"
real trolls don't point out that they're trolls; you're just an attention whore.
pennis and also dicke and balls
FCC initially required a name with some sexual innuendo.
and I wasnt allowed to use "LargePenis"
So dr_strangelove suggested this.

then we had to change to RAWR and i couldnt remember the password to my old account
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
It reflects what I think I am, tho I was formerly TBashed, as in "you got TBashed".