Original Post
Getting the trophy from uke!
You know that patch of blue/red on uke/tori's chest? There's one that is attached to their neck, one on each pec, and one solid piece below the other three. That's the piece I got as a battle trophy from uke, but not before all uke's limbs were scattered about. Plus, once i saved the replay, I pictured all these people on the forums saying i missed a perfect head kick... so I made an edited version to appease the voices in my head! Higher points, but in my opinion it loses it's beauty because i end up getting hurt, losing my hand... But i got a few points.
Attached Files
picky choosy.rpl (60.3 KB, 33 views)
picky choosy higher points.rpl (86.4 KB, 25 views)
<3 MBK :D
knowing me and my thresholds, probably around 60. but at least i didn't break/snap myself like i usually do..
<3 MBK :D
Oh, yeah, I tried the weeble mod but it didn't seem to do anything on my mac so i forgot and left it on... :P