Started lifting 5 months ago.

Started lifting because i finally realised how skinny i was. Just over a year ago i was 110lbs 5ft 10. Now im 150 lbs, aiming to be 165lbs.

Go to the gym 3 / 4 times a week, sorta doing a push pull legs routine. I'm pretty happy with the way my body looks, got a little bit of a V aswell which i really want.

Diet is pretty poor, i was mainly just wanting to gain the weight anyway possible but now i think i should focus more on eating clean and gaining weight through muscle only now. Drinking a pint of milk on top of each meal has really helped me gain weight!! my tip to anyone who is struggling to gain weight.

I'm still fairly week compared to most people as i used to eat like 1 meal a day for about 6 years lmao.