Original Post
I guess it would be cool if it could be used to watch replays like parkours in first person. Wouldn't be practical for actually playing the game tho.
I don't give a flyin' fladoodle
Imagine controlling the joints like a mechanic. You walk around the Tori and click the joints.
imagine US being the tori!
but you need to have lessons first
and it basically make replay easier to do!
Originally Posted by hampa View Post
Imagine controlling the joints like a mechanic. You walk around the Tori and click the joints.

Hum no.. It will take too long time to walk around tori, move your real hands to click on the joints, etc.. so it won't be use for competitive match like tourney or
I think you can make an option to do it, but it will be kinda useless
Originally Posted by Smaguris View Post
lol what

I bought for 10$
Virus:Change your sig btw :-)