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Windows shortcut* to a file that changes name

I'm having some issues creating a "stable" shortcut* to a program that I use on a daily basis. The issue is that this program is a open source project and due to many mishaps in the past the version of the program has had to be implemented in the file-name so that we don't get flooded with issue-complains for older versions without users realizing most issues might have been addressed in a former update. As such the file is called something along "Program-version#.exe", and in XP there used to be ways to create .bat files that launched a .exe in a folder based on a part of the name-string. However, I am not that familiar with windows as a OS nor .bat. Could someone help me create such a program?

*: I do realize that creating a .bat will probably be easier than fiddling with a windows shortcut, but since the script will be used as a shortcut I have chosen to call a such.

And no, I will not download a .bat someone throws up in this thread, so if you find trolling people fun I'll just report the link and have someone deal with the potentially damaging files you link to in this thread. Also spreading malicious software will guarantee you a oneway-ticket out of here.
Now doing recoloring for people not in the clan as-well, PM for more info!
I guess something like:

@echo off
FOR /f "tokens=*" %%G IN ('dir /b Program-version*.exe') DO %%G

But damn if the programmers have no idea what they are doing I wouldn't trust that program.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff