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~|This thread contains Madmans|~
I want You!, to rate my replays. (Comments will be appreciated as well)

but anyways i dont have much to say about my replays..
Snappy Madman is my personal favorite.

Twisted Head punch aint a Madman ~> just so you know :P

Attached Files
eyCoco - Statue.rpl (178.0 KB, 25 views)
eyCoco - Snappy Madman.rpl (155.5 KB, 22 views)
eyCoco - Served and Destroyed.rpl (175.4 KB, 19 views)
eyCoco - Twisted Head Punch.rpl (170.6 KB, 18 views)
eyCoco - Supersplitter.rpl (137.5 KB, 16 views)
Last edited by eyCoco; Aug 9, 2008 at 03:04 PM.
all of them are great, except for twisted head punch, that I don't classify as a madman (see link in sig).

Your style is interesting. you always seem to be DM'ing with both arms or legs, while most others (including me for the most part) focus on one limb for the carnage and the others for grabbing/balance/momentum and that shiiz. makes for fast and explosive madmans, I like it!

statue: if you only posted the headkick, I'd rate it a 8/10. the rest of the madman starts out funny (why do you grab him twice for like 2 or 3 frames?), but continues as a very smexy explosive madman. also you juggle the dismembered limbs around, making it seem like tori wants to keep all his new toys at once. adds a little something to it
snappy madman: probably my favorite too. very explosive (which is something I don't say often), you cut through his left side like a knife through hot butter, although more brutal. extra kudos for getting that crotch piece out in the open, it's very rare to see it on it's own
served and destroyed: this isn't as explosive as the rest, but rather flowy, in a curious way. it flows, but where most flowy replays do circular movements and complete circles, this one makes small loops and arches of circles, and changes direction a lot, but for each separate direction is flowy. (sorry, badly put, can't bother to put it well). also I like the separated lower torso in the end. for some reason I like the pecs to glutes area as intact as possible, although a lot of splitting moves look cool. even though not explosive as a whole, the opening move was so fast i had to frac pause t to get what happened
twisted headpunch: not a madman IMHO. the legs don't even part ways, and although the upper body fills the requirements, it's too intact for my taste. you can't always win.
supersplitter: this gives me mixed feelings. I like how you kicked the legs apart without touching them with anything but the kick (i.e. not holding them) and the last move that rips the shoulders off, but I hate the part where your forearm slides through your leg.

My newest replays thread also has a lot of madmans. why don't you check those out? my style is very different from yours, it might get interesting.
Last edited by Archlurps; Aug 9, 2008 at 02:56 PM. Reason: last paragraph
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
Yes that does look odd with the supersplitter, dunno why i can move my arms throu my legs and so on..

And yes i should prolly add that the Twisted Head Punch aint a madman..
I just like the way that the head spins towards the ground so fast

thanks for replys, it is nice to know that someone likes them

Originally Posted by Archlurps View Post
(why do you grab him twice for like 2 or 3 frames?)

well there no good reason why, it just happens when I am Editing the replay
Last edited by eyCoco; Aug 9, 2008 at 03:11 PM.
I'm not sure, but sometimes it seems like arms and legs are only pictures that don't exist physically. fists, feet, heads and joints are very real, though.

you're right, the head is cool. you rarely get a head to spin that fast, at least not on that axis

btw, how did you get all the tc for your textures, trails and shiiz?
Last edited by Archlurps; Aug 9, 2008 at 03:22 PM.
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
I used my Creditcard and bought them .
and the textures i made my self ..
Last edited by eyCoco; Aug 9, 2008 at 03:37 PM.
awww.... thought you might have a tip for me for getting mine... I gotta get a summer job next year... lul, others get summer jobs for gymbasium books, mopeds, new computers or future savings. I'm getting one for TB textures

nah, seriously, I need a new cell phone, too

but hey, to avoid further off-topic, post some more replays so the topic won't run out.
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
Okay then ill just post an other madman.. the start is great.. the end is less good..

Attached Files
eyCoco - Slow Turtle move.rpl (164.7 KB, 11 views)
nice work that madman.

it's very good in the beginning, and nearly as good in the end, but in the middle there's one knee strike that misses... bothers me a bit.
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
yeah.. but it was so damn hard to edit :/.. and that knee strike was just not ment to be :/