Original Post
[REL] Parkour_Trials Mod (First mod)
~This is the first mod I've ever made~

The objective is to hit the golden ball at the end of the course.

Disclaimer so people don't rage at me:
This mod is intended to be difficult, so expect some obstacles to be hard.

-Water has 0 friction and bouncy effect to it, probably not smart to get stuck down there.

-This mod isn't multiplayer, there's really not enough room on the course for two people, it would just end up being a fight over the obstacles.

-Uke is facing the wrong way (I'm not that good at mod making so I wasn't able to fix it, oops) so if you wanna use him you may have to fix it yourself.

Not much else to say aside from leave some feedback and I hope you enjoy the mod!

Screenshots ~(^o^)~

Attached Files
Parkour_Trials.tbm (20.0 KB, 452 views)
the mod looks nice, I think it would have enought space for mp too
to turn uke right way... use player pos & player rotation to place uke & tori instead :p I think in this case.. Just use player rotation to turn uke
Last edited by joope1; Aug 22, 2014 at 12:45 AM.
Originally Posted by ZachD2101 View Post
nice mod, is this modeled after American ninja warrior, or any other country's version of Ninja warrior?


I got a few ideas off of Ninja Warrior, but other than that I was just working off of imagination.
Looks fun will def. try it out later.
Alakazam and abracadabra I go hard like Viagra.
"Flyace likes to lick my nipples"-BrutalLegacy~2014
Looks really snazzy. That quarter pipe bit is pretty difficult for me, but what I've come to so far in the mod is pretty awesome.
| old boi | Cyri | Xioi | Chill | SparChar | Fatman | JackMorris |
"Go back in time and get it tomorrow" - Jack
wow all i can say is i love it. very challenging. once i get past the first part its i hae fun with it. because i hate steps. but i think the most challenging thing for me on this would be the first part the and the side steps :3 but really you did a tremendis job keep up the good work
NF- "You don't like me? that makes two of us"