Original Post
Happy April Fool's Day
nice one! *smiles*

I hope some poor bastard doesn't have a heart attack reading the index message

(if they do, though. I hope someone videotapes it and posts it online...)
i was like shit MOTHER F**K then got rick rolled and was like shit forgot it was april fools
Yeah, i forgot too.

I realised it after like 5 mins
[o]|ORMO|Replay thread!
Last edited by Chartle; Tomorrow at 13:37 AM..
I didn't get tricked. Go me.
[12:23] <Drugade> hello
[12:24] <Drugade> i have paid over my phone but i become my tc not!!!
I'm glad I didn't get rickrolled... I was worried for a second though, and then promptly remembered the day and hovered over the links and noticed one was a *******, which i never click anyways, and the other was for the discussion board.... nice tricks guys!
Come on man, quit being so uptight... be [Smooth].

I is [Smooth] leader. Just so's you know.
i got owned, i was all sad and stuff when i seen the page and went on irc, then the bastards in there told me. (i got rickrolled twice 1. glitchracer beta 2. police statement (lulz))