I like the fact that you took the time to fill out the application form properly. You were also honest about previous clans and alternate accounts, and that's important. I'm giving you a yes based on the application, I think you'd fit in well. However, like Pitch mentioned, we 're not especially active anymore ingame or on the forums, and it's very likely that this clan gets shutdown within a year or so. We still occasionally play Toribash, but most of our discussions take place outside of the forums nowadays. We used skype for a long while, we've recently switched to Discord. So if you want to be involved in our "community", I'd advise you to get it as well if you get accepted. If, however, your interest is mainly in the gameplay side of Toribash, I'd suggest maybe looking for a clan that plays a lot more of the game than us at our current state. If you just looked around our forum and liked our attitude enough to want to get involved, I think you'll fit in based on your application and the fact that you appear to have done what many didn't - read our rules If you're cool with that and get enough votes to be accepted, I'll send you a clan invite as well as a Discord invitation. Best of luck to you.

Edit: Since you applied for another clan before we had finalized our decision, all of the above can be safely ignored. I don't mind that you applied for another clan but you should have let us know if our inactivity was an issue for you instead of trying to apply for multiple clans at the same time.
Last edited by lordtiger; Jan 31, 2016 at 10:52 PM.
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself: https://discord.gg/ZHdJfAT