Original Post
Online Domination
i know some faget mods see any posts by me and assume its spam, there is some unecesary content in this post, but there is legitimate discussion points in the last two sentances.

Hey guys, its culabrah again. Just thought I'd like to share with you my complete and udder domination online recently.

As you can see these last two days I have won 50(including one rage quitter) of my 55 games played. This is a 90% win ratio This is the same as AVERAGING A 10 GAME WIN STREAK every time I play. All these wins are in the OFFICIAL PUBLIC WUSHU AND NINJUTSU SERVERS. My wushu rank is like 40, in ninjutsu I am like 15. My global rank is a legit 70 or so with no farming.

I credit my absolute domination to a spiritual rebirth and the adoption of an extremely conservative defensive style. I would post some highlights below from my matches but I don't want any nobos trying to copy my moves.

Instead I will offer this thread as an open discussion of defensive style toribash. Now a days it is seen as "lame" to play in this oldschool method. But my complete domination should indicate that this is how a champion plays.

I have a few questions for knowledgeable toribash players. Can someone possible a replay maker explain as technically as they can, what causes dismemberments and fractures?

Last edited by TheGod; Jul 18, 2013 at 06:58 PM.
the god
Originally Posted by Boonana View Post
this thread is now about sharknado

if you want wibbles try the toriprime forum. you dont derail threads this way in offtopic
Playing defensive in mods like Ninjutsu and Wushu are pretty much the way to go. Even though Ninjutsu is a lot better than Wushu since running is pretty much nullified with the inclusion of a ring, the mod is still "broken" since there's one opener that trumps every other opener.

Lay down on your back, bend your knees and wait for your opponent to approach.

There's no incentive to throw punches to inflict damage since kicks can be used to inflict more damage while keeping your head and chest safe away from your opponent at the same time. At the highest level, the mod literally evolves into a game of footsies where both players are basically kicking at each others legs which isn't too exciting.

Imo punches should give more points than kicks just so that different playstyles could eventually emerge. Higher risk moves should grant better rewards. At least for mods like ninjutsu and wushu anyway.
"Fear not the Tori who has practiced 10,000 openers once, but fear the Tori who has practiced one opener 10,000 times."
Originally Posted by DaNooB23 View Post
Playing defensive in mods like Ninjutsu and Wushu are pretty much the way to go. Even though Ninjutsu is a lot better than Wushu since running is pretty much nullified with the inclusion of a ring, the mod is still "broken" since there's one opener that trumps every other opener.

Lay down on your back, bend your knees and wait for your opponent to approach.

There's no incentive to throw punches to inflict damage since kicks can be used to inflict more damage while keeping your head and chest safe away from your opponent at the same time. At the highest level, the mod literally evolves into a game of footsies where both players are basically kicking at each others legs which isn't too exciting.

Imo punches should give more points than kicks just so that different playstyles could eventually emerge. Higher risk moves should grant better rewards. At least for mods like ninjutsu and wushu anyway.

Punches give the same per kick. The arms and legs are basically copies except that the wrist takes more damage than the ankle. The problem with the punch is exposing your head.
the god