I didnt copy your tomahawks exactly, but ok! ill give tori a weapon, if you look, my axes are a bit shorter, but the colors are the same, Im sorry that they look so similar, so I will change them. Didn't mean to offend u. :P But what weapon should tori have?
Last edited by PNUT; Jun 5, 2008 at 07:40 PM.
Great modders will always keep TB players playing.
Originally Posted by PNUT View Post
I didnt copy your tomahawks exactly, but ok! ill give tori a weapon, if you look, my axes are a bit shorter, but the colors are the same, Im sorry that they look so similar, so I will change them. Didn't mean to offend u. :P But what weapon should tori have?

How do you explain the fact that when I compare my 'hawks and yours side by side, the -only- difference is the position?
I'm sure you didn't want to offend me, but you could at least have the decency to admit that you copy/pasted from my mod.
[SARCASM]Why don't you give Tori one of my tridents, or my funky flail?[/SARCASM]
I'm back, I think... :)
Mod Pack
Give tori a jousting thingy .
Monkey yeknoM
onkeyM Myekno
nkeyMo oMyekn
keyMon noMyek
eyMonk knoMye
yMonke eknoMy
Monkey yeknoM
i made some screenies too.... see >.>
no-lava one is cool 2
Last edited by Madgecko11; Jun 5, 2008 at 11:22 PM.
Now with 100% less angst