Originally Posted by Hamr View Post
I've seen a few Corkis. I've only ever seen one Swain. Does anyone even play him?

Swain's a tricky one. He's seen here and there, but at the moment he's pretty lackluster in low-mid elo, but i've seen some high elo players absolutely destroy with him. Pretty sure hotshot was playing him yesterday in the WCG qualifiers

He's a tough character to balance and right now it's hard to decide where he's at. well at least for me that is

Also I rarely see karmas. Ever. Even though she's fucking hilarious to play as an ap carry
Swain is sleeper OP

or probably not, since I mean HotShot decimates with him, people are just too lazy to learn him.

Sort of like blitzcrank. People acknowledge he's OP as shit, but they can't play him to his full potential except a few people.
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
Originally Posted by 2worlds View Post
Swain is sleeper OP

or probably not, since I mean HotShot decimates with him, people are just too lazy to learn him.

Sort of like blitzcrank. People acknowledge he's OP as shit, but they can't play him to his full potential except a few people.

Same with zilean
swain is so weak...
his tankyness is nice and he would do a decent metagolem if his dmg wouldnt LACK SO HARD!...
thats so sad cause his w is so fun to play... its a psychological trick after all...
heard of the flash cv nerfs? totally retarded... 600 downvotes in Eu or so
666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666
flash was nerfd so frickin often...
i dont see any sense in this ... any champ without escapemechanisms needs it...
666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666
flash will still be 10/10 in every game

or 6/6 if you're into that kind of thing
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
Originally Posted by Saint View Post
fu, ezreal4lyfe

In whole timeplay I saw only 4-5 evelyns, and guess what. I saw them while leveling up from 29 to 30. Why nobody plays them at lower lvls?

No one plays evelyns because she is the most useless character ever. EVER.
Originally Posted by fat0ninja View Post
No one plays evelyns because she is the most useless character ever. EVER.

Most of the time I see her in Dominion and she's kinda OP in team fight...
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