Although I dislike how a while ago many of the clans listed on the board had no activity on their clan thread and would not even give a response to PMs sent to their leaders (maybe an application or something), I also think that when there is still some life to be squeezed out of a clan or if it is still meaningful to the individuals in it then it isn't really worth shutting down. Sure threatening to close clans if they don't try harder can end up benefitting some of those clans in the long run, but I feel like the same number of clans might also be deleting meaning that the members no longer have a meet-up point or common ground with each other and that that clan, historic or not, has no hope of someone coming along and saving it.

This is exactly why i suggested that clans will simply lose their official status instead of getting deleted. If you don't have enough activity to fill a board you shouldn't have one.

E: Oh yeah sorry if i was unclear. I'm not very good at explaining myself.
Last edited by Lazors; Apr 25, 2015 at 10:43 AM. Reason: Nevermind, actually. Misread or something.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Originally Posted by Lazors View Post
This is exactly why i suggested that clans will simply lose their official status instead of getting deleted. If you don't have enough activity to fill a board you shouldn't have one.

Sorry I wasn't quite certain what your post meant before and didn't really spend the time to properly understand it because I was preoccupied with whether the checks are actually so clearly a good thing. I apologise for not giving your suggestion the credit it deserved, that was kinda shitty of me.

I (as you might have guessed) think that that system would certainly be worth running through the council since it would seem more fair and unbiased when it came to checks while still maintaining a high standard of activity for official clans.
Good morning sweet princess
Originally Posted by Lazors View Post
This is exactly why i suggested that clans will simply lose their official status instead of getting deleted. If you don't have enough activity to fill a board you shouldn't have one.

E: Oh yeah sorry if i was unclear. I'm not very good at explaining myself.

Urgh i hate typing on phones.
I was going to quote your "suggestion" for this but it's late and I'm tired and this was on the last page.

What you're suggesting is already an option, well not in the exact words you used, but yeah. I'll briefly go over how they'd do it.

k so clan fails a check, does nothing about it & fails the second check. They're then given a week to decide what to do: die, or "revive" - the latter doesn't have to be immediate however.

Reviving as per the clan rules (go read for the specifics) would allow them to give it another go starting as an unofficial clan with the same tag.
They can then aim to be official again which would regain them their old board - which is why boards aren't killed & tags aren't set free.

Both RAWR and Urban could go down that route if they decided to.

So yeah, that pretty much hits the meat of your suggestion.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Sorry guys but i actually agree with Gynx on this. its always been the norm for clans to be active then to have either a really sudden death or a very slow bleed out.

Toribash isnt the only game that has this sort of experience lots of clans die for many different games. And as much as i look up to the members of urban and rawr (especially urban) and it will be a shame for these clans to vanish. Its only fair, i mean maybe the staff of Toribash would be kind enough to archive these clans as not only do i think there worth being remembered but also wouldn't this show the new clans some good examples of clan management... up until death that is.
CkyToH/GuineaTigg Active from Mar 2008 - Jan 2019
Have you guys considered that activity isn't the best bonding agent within clans? This has the chance of going the way of Raid, who were extremely active for like a year then die because people aren't held together by anything other than that activity and brief friendship.

I think clans should be allowed to decide when they themselves will die, as opposed to being forced to accepting it. It leaves a lot of room for bitterness and takes away closure.
I could understand if nobody cared enough in the clan even to plead for its survival but I feel like activity checks should serve the purpose of eliminating already dead, uncared for clans rather than actually punishing inactivity. I know that people posting on the warning thread does not prove activity, but I don't think inactivity is a real problem so much as a way of spotting problems within clans. Inactivity can mean that the members no longer care enough to even notice the game's existence anymore or it could just mean that they use the clan for occasional meet ups rather than genuinely not caring anymore. I do not think the latter should be punishable (again I know that this system is probably not seen as a punishment system but the word still sorta fits) since the clan is still serving the purpose of being a symbolic connection between a group of people and between those people with the game. I would say the connection with the game is still there is a lot of the clan still turns up for the clan league.
Good morning sweet princess
Reviving as per the clan rules (go read for the specifics) would allow them to give it another go starting as an unofficial clan with the same tag.
They can then aim to be official again which would regain them their old board - which is why boards aren't killed & tags aren't set free.

But you're still giving them the death sentence in their faces. What's the harm in giving them the option to keep their old dsc and not have to start a new clan?
It doesn't seem important, but to these people the forging of the clan means something. Forging a new clan would feel like the old clan died. (Correct me if i'm wrong, people in question).

Besides, like i said, it's just a few extra clicks. Gotta be worth a try, and it's not a big change to the system we have. It might make people keep the clan going instead of disbanding it.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Originally Posted by Lazors View Post
But you're still giving them the death sentence in their faces. What's the harm in giving them the option to keep their old dsc and not have to start a new clan?
It doesn't seem important, but to these people the forging of the clan means something. Forging a new clan would feel like the old clan died. (Correct me if i'm wrong, people in question).

Besides, like i said, it's just a few extra clicks. Gotta be worth a try, and it's not a big change to the system we have. It might make people keep the clan going instead of disbanding it.

Re the dsc thing. It'd be the thread/post that's used as the clan page on the clan system that gets moved to clan discussion if they decide to go down the unofficial/revive route, which for the majority of clans has their roster, story etc. Basically what an unofficial clan has for the op of their thread.

If they choose their original clan discussion thread to use for the clan page then even better. However older clans didn't have things like that (they system to become official was different back then), so in their case there's no original thread to restore.

It's really not as harsh as people are making out it is, they only die completely after failing activity if they choose to. The clan guys will happily revert a clan to unofficial if that's what the clan decides. It even states in the "pending removal" thread posted in their boards that they can chose to revive the clan which would restore them as unofficial.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
I'm satisfied with that answer. I never personally thought this was a big deal anyway.
Also all official clans have some form of chat thread so there's no issue there. I'm sure people have thought of that already though.

Thanks for taking the time to reply.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore