Original Post
In the early beginning around the time when Tori used to Hunt in the wild Toriworld. There was a God that walked amongst men. His name didn't matter because everone called him Kick. The speed of his kicks outmatched everything from swords to spears.
His Name grew till the day he grew old and acended into the realm of gods. Few actually got to see his might foot in action, so a secret organization was created. Dedicated to Kick and mastering his moves this organisation now has opened the doors to toris around the world to test and find the next Kick master.








Marcelour [Inactive.]
ToeTech [Inactive.]
Xxvlc [Inactive.]
Extremelol [Inactive.]
Moobear3 [Inactive.]
Dag [Inactive.]
Carter [Inavtive.]
H5x [Inactive.]
Coldkik [Inactive.]
Ladez [Inactive.]
Bbgg [Inactive.]
ToriKick12 [Inactive.]
Members with inactive close to nicks, has one week (7 days) to post here, or they'll get kicked out of the clan. Pm Mccqa, or post in this thread to remove [Inactive.] text.


1. Recruit 10 members. [+]
2. Get a toriclan tag. []
3. Get 10k in the bank [+]
4. Get 20k in the bank[]
5. Get 50k in the bank []
6. Host a clan betting server/event [+]
7. Become a official toriclan []
8. Get 100k in the bank []

You can donate TorriCredits to our bank kickbank, we need them to host bet tourneys and more.


Respect the leader and co-leaders.
Do not mess with other [Kick] members.
Be active both in-game and at forum.
You need to post at least once a week at clan board to show your activity.
If you get inactive for long time without a good reason, you'll be kicked.
If you break or stop following any rules, you'll be kicked.


Write freeapp .Write about your self ,Why want to join and tell us the reason(Very big reason/6 lines reason if you write short 2 three lines with strong reason we will accept you,But the rules for who don't know to write a strong app will write 6 line ,Don't forget to post your replays ,we will accept you if you writen a good app and you are friendy with us ,don't tell us that i want to join i am 6th dan black belt i am god belt or whatever ,you have to post and please read the rules 1 if you break any rules of our clan you will not be accept and also don't ask to us everytime a question can i join ,when you will accept me,why you not inviting me or i join other clan ? or whatever if we don't answer then we mean you are not acceptd



Last edited by hardcod; Oct 27, 2012 at 01:20 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
All the wrong I've done the Lord still keep on blessin' me
All the members should respect the leader and the co.leader.

All the wrong I've done the Lord still keep on blessin' me