Original Post
Hotshot's Replay Thread
I'll be dumping replays a ton here, I'll dump more after a few rates.

CnC would be nice.
Attached Files
The Cure to the Cure.rpl (74.1 KB, 18 views)
Last edited by Hotshot; Mar 25, 2012 at 12:38 PM.
Bump, a few more replays, I've really been working on my singleplayer, please give some constructive criticism and rate. It'd be really appreciated.
Attached Files
#The Torturous Breeze.rpl (291.4 KB, 12 views)
Pop Pop Drop.rpl (220.3 KB, 6 views)
The Vampire's Tale.rpl (126.2 KB, 9 views)
Very nice hotshot. No offence but they arent as good as what you posted in the element replays but they are still better than what i could do. The torturous breeze 10/10 Pop pop drop: 7/10 Vampires Tale: 8/10 The cure to the cure: 6/10. Very nice. I would love to see more of your replays The cure for the cure could've looked better maybe if you made the amount of time you spent on the ground at the start a little less. But overall very nice man. No offence or anything if my ratings arent as good as you expected. Sorry!
Regent101's old account.
I loled the accidental hand DM at the replay torturous breeze. The flow wasnt bad, but it wasnt clean, you took 124k damage from uke -_- Also the replay was made of single DM's so: 6.5/10

Cure to the cure: Meh, the replay was unclean (again). The opener was weird and you were slow, try to be fast and hyper in your replays. 4/10

pop pop drop: Too grabby man... Also the DM's were slow, lack of flow and boring.
(no booms again) 4/10

Vampire's tale: 3 DM's??!! Missed alot, lack of flow, unclean and butt DM?! ALOT. 2/10

Overall: The replays were lack of flow, the openers were uncreative, the DM's were slow and boring, no booms in any of'em.