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How do i find out if items are qi restricted?
As you may have noticed some items are not available for viewing in the torishop...
So how do i know if my item is qi restricted, tradable or 1000000 qi? I have no way of knowing that, right?
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There's no way of knowing unless you can visit the shop page for the item - your best bet is asking high up staff.
Easy way to find out yourself is this:
Make an alt, get 20 qi on it and try to send the item to the alt. If it's qi restricted it will give you an error message saying exactly how much qi you need to own that item.
Originally Posted by Smaguris View Post
Easy way to find out yourself is this:
Make an alt, get 20 qi on it and try to send the item to the alt. If it's qi restricted it will give you an error message saying exactly how much qi you need to own that item.

And do you find that a normal procedure?
Not sure bjt u might also have to endure the tutorial andplay 20 games for the acc to be able to trade.
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Originally Posted by Insanity View Post
And do you find that a normal procedure?
Not sure bjt u might also have to endure the tutorial andplay 20 games for the acc to be able to trade.

I don't find it normal, I think it should be way easier to check it, but I'm just saying that it is possible that way.

Also you dont need to do tutorial if you just Esc when it starts
So, is there another way to know besides making a new acc, playing 20 games and transfering the item to it?

If that is the case i suggest ditching that item hidding
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I dont think that there is another way, are there specific items that you want to know the required qi for?
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