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A Signiture Move?
i cant decide witch one of my n00by replays could be use as a signiture move
Attached Files
SignutureMove.rpl (19.3 KB, 33 views)
SignitureMove2.rpl (19.2 KB, 24 views)
In the beginning there was time.
In the end there was nothing......
They are both quite typical. But if had to choose I would say the first one
Org's :: OldA OoT OrMo
You shouldn't use any as a signature move. Not because they suck (even though they do) but because 'signature moves' is only meant for multiplayer. If a move is your 'signature' you gonna do it over and over again, this has not much of a purpose in single player.
Hm...Most signature moves are not symmetrical. And, the opponent is not going to just stand there, you realise?