Original Post
Never did this and you all probably know me by now.
But hi, i thought maybe i could meet some new, cool people i've never met yet.
Wtf you're an old member dup
I guess you're not allowed to do this.
And this is an introduction board.
Try TP board lol
Tbh I never posted a threat on this section so can I do it now?
Poop poop poop shit shit piss pussy pear-shaped person peice of shit
Trocher, I made this to try and meet some people who don't want to run me through with a 6 foot pole.
I don't want to run you through with a 6 foot pole. :o
Ryan is Straight {TGS} {Videoer} {Artist} Rip Dog
I want to run you through with a 6 foot pole.
<BISH> kick chan my modes are moving on their own~
Introduction Section is for new members please. This is just becoming spam now. Closing it.