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If you could...
Well, we hear a lot of talk about how some of these movies that are coming out are pretty bad, but If you could make a movie? What would it be about? Who would be in the main casting?

I wanna hear what your movie would be like. Keep them short.
I'd make it something like "Superman Returns (old edition)", "The Titanic", and "Spiderman" combined.
Features from 3 of the most popular movies of all time, into 1.
What's better than that?
i would redo valkerie but hitler gets shot by jim carey in the buut and dies and the jews put the nazis in concentration camps where bono is the jewish leader
HALO movie.
one of my mates came up with a full plot which was totally epic, took him about one hour to explain it to me.
or make a movie out of The Painted Man, it's just perfectly suited to movie conversion.
Obviously not a kamikaze platypus.
Don't press the DEATH BUTTON!