Original Post
How do I extract replays to edit them in a diff program?..
yea i guess im a n00b and im desperate :/

but i cudnt find it on the forums! how do i actually extract a replay and edit it in a video-editing software that I have? cuz i wanna do one of those clips with a lotta nice replays

thnx in advance nd sorry if this is in the wrong section / a wrong question / a stupid question / a n00b question etc

well, if you mean replay hacking, notepad.

If you mean putting them all together in a movie, you would have to use a screen capper or something, and after you film all the replays, edit them together.

Also, i have never made a movie before, so dont take what i said to heart, because i have no idea how it works.


For making a movie

Record your replays (with preferably Fraps, found Here)

Once you finished recording said replays, open the video files (which will be in an AVI format) in a video editing program, such as Windows Movie Maker, or Sony Vegas.

Then publish your video/Render your video, and upload to a hosting site (ie Youtube, or Photobucket)

<pirate> wow i almost threw up from sneezing rofl
Thank you so very much man! Clear and simple, I appreciate it

gonna work in sony vegas in a minute