Original Post
[REL&PoC] "Dojo Impact" Damageable Floor w/ Pankration Fighting
To revitalize the mod section, here's my first proof of concept and wrestling mod,


Months ago, I released my Torisports Mod Pack. It was well-recieved so I decided to work on the second part, beginning with a realistic wrestling mod. JoshGrimes and I spent a little while creating gamerules to simulate the Grrk Martial Art of Pankration and I begun to create the mod. Halfway through production, I realized that this mod was worthy of a standalone release. So I cancelled work on the mod pack and have been working on and off on this mod until now.


The "Dojo Impact" Damageable Floor is exactly what it suggests. It allows players to take damage when taken down or thrown to the floor without excessive amount of lag. This revolutionizes wrestling in TB due to the new aspect of play it adds to the mods it is featured in. The "Dojo Impact" is created by adding a super-thin, super-light object to the ground, combined with minimal upward thrust and surrounding walls, this "floor" hovers over the ground and recoils when pressure is applied. Thus, this creates a floor that damages players without huge amounts of lag.

Pankration is a Greek Martial Art that I tried to simulate in this mod. I chose Pankration because of the wrestling factor, the types of strikes, and the usual starting position before the fight begins.

Mod Features:

To simulate a real wrestling match, I added many features:

- The newest version of my balance system which allows you to flow freely, use acrobatic movements and fight on the ground and standing without being overbearing to the fighter (which was the biggest problem for most people in earlier mods)

- Body Modifications creates a sense of realism in each fighter's movements and throws which can make even the newest fighter look professional

- Unprotected, Larger neck allows for submissions on the ground and more control over your opponent.

- Auto Throw Reversals: The balance system is still strong enough to allow players to fight effectively on their feet and switch from striking to wrestling flawlessly. Another effect it has is that if you're thrown high into the air, it's easier to land back on your feet and continue the fight. This nullifies "shovelling" and allows newer wrestlers to contend with aikido/sambo pros.

- Damageable Floor: As described earlier, adds a new aspect to gameplay and truly rewards fighters for taking down opponents successfully

Other features are that since the floor is pressure-sensitive, you can utilize the full ring when ground-fighting but slamming someone outside the dojo will disqualify them indefinitely.

Known Bugs:

Buggy Replays:

Try replaying the replay over and over again and it should gradually get less and less buggy. It's caused by all the collisions between the feet and the actual fighting D:

That is all for now Enjoy the mod and the concept of a Damageable Floor which can be a new feature in later versions of Toribash
Attached Files
DIPankration.tbm (3.0 KB, 115 views)
AutoReversal.rpl (29.3 KB, 52 views)
Hiptoss.rpl (20.7 KB, 48 views)
StrikingandGroundFighting.rpl (73.1 KB, 37 views)
OneLeggedTakedown.rpl (26.3 KB, 37 views)
Last edited by Smilies2; Jul 22, 2009 at 10:30 PM.
Pirate: smilies, your textures kick so much ass

<~ClockworkMonkey> sometimes, you don't try really hard and things just work out

Awsm one, I love it

Vox sucks
[10:14]<siku> magnificent sparkling vampire
[10:14]<siku> i love you edward

Official minibash tester. Please email [email protected] if you have found a bug!

I think the floor damage could be toned down a little.
See replay,

But overall its rather fun.
Attached Files
Pancake Toss.rpl (26.5 KB, 27 views)
Aperture Science Employee #92
I don't think damage is all too important though.. in MP anyways... chances are someone will DQ before it goes to the points imo. Plus, players wont just hold all and take a fall on their face, or let you throw them.
/set gr 0 0 -30
It was to prove a point.
If someone slammed using joints and gravity the damage would be even higher ...
Aperture Science Employee #92
I have three responses to this, FurryDonut :P

1. I don't really think i could "tone down" the damage

2. I would be pretty hurt if i fell on my face from that high too :P

3. The balance system makes it easy to recover from falls like that so high damage is a reward to the player just for successfully slamming someone like that
Pirate: smilies, your textures kick so much ass

<~ClockworkMonkey> sometimes, you don't try really hard and things just work out