Original Post
[WIP] Riddick vs. Marauder
I was watching the movie "Pitch Black" the other day and decided to make a mod kinda based off it;

the bugs aren't 100% worked out because in the middle of the project I made some major adjustments but it still works about 90% of the time; I suggest if you use the marauder to stick to the arm movements (Pec, Shoulder, Elbow Wrist) because the legs (wings) can cause your face to snap in half.. lol during testing I was able to eat uke's arm but didn't save a replay because it was still beta then... Have fun.
Last edited by siku; Jun 19, 2009 at 07:24 PM.
/set gr 0 0 -30
its not as good as some as your other mods... In my opinion its sorta too different, but Im sure some people will like it. Like you screenshot thought. (no more blurry ghosts)

how did you take hte screenshot? did you just clicked the Screenshot button on your keyboard or is their a script for that?
- its been a while
Prt Scr copies your current computer image to your clipboard, and from there, you can open up photoshop or gimp (set it to 800(x) x 600(y) if not already done) and then press ctrl+v to paste the image you took.. it can be fussy at times though and for some reason the Prt Scr button changes velocities in TB sometimes in replays... and throws your replays off so if you're going to capture a frame in a replay, it can only be 1 frame.. and then you have to restart it.. if you post the image I learned from another thread to post it as a gif to save dl time for people with bad connections.

Yeah this mod had to be drastically changed because originally the monster had gluts glued to his face >.< lol but that resulted in a whole load of problems... I just wanted to try messing with the shape of a player and this was my exemplar for my own testing... hmm I had fun making it at least :P I wasn't happy with where it was going though so I cut it short and tried fixing as many bugs as possible before posting it.. the best part -is- the screenshot by far, it makes me lol every time I look at it :P
/set gr 0 0 -30
Thanks for the info.

I wanted to ask: this type of mod usually requires lots of guessing and cheching wtih ALOT of time. how much time did it take?
- its been a while
Originally Posted by blkk View Post
Thanks for the info.

I wanted to ask: this type of mod usually requires lots of guessing and cheching wtih ALOT of time. how much time did it take?

Uh.. it took about 9~10 hours total from concept to final completion.. (over about 2 days) 1 hr to watch the movie (luckily the movie played twice in one day ), 2 hours to get pictures of the creature, and then 2 hours to create the monster's parts, 2 hours to place the joints.. and then a final 2 hours to redo the entire thing cause I had changed a large portion of the mechanics of the monster... and then just added a dagger in Riddick's hand lol.. the steps I took were:
1) get pictures of monster 2) photoshop where the parts relate to toribash parts (21 body, 20 joints fully mapped) 3) pencil and paper.. my favourite tools.. good for writing notes about where parts are positioned, their dimensions etc. (until I get a graphics tablet.. which I hope will be soon) 4) putting my paper notes into toribash 5) inputting data & trial and error until all/most bugs are fixed.. sometimes things slip my mind like I made a mod "pudaojousting.tbm" and then noticed -after- I submitted it that I forgot to change one bug where.. you would randomly explode lol.. and I -knew- how to fix it but unfortunately it just slipped my mind because I was in such a rush to have people try it out, right? anyways the moral is, take your time.. and know what you want before you start :P note how the final step is inputting the data.. the first 4 are all concept and measures. Good luck.
/set gr 0 0 -30
WOW that took way longer than I expected, but then again, I don't make my mods out of scratch. (im sortof a mod splicer, which combines 2-3 mods. ex: ninjutsu with swords)

I suppose you do that too, becuase you said you added a sword.

I hope you got this mod approved.. you spent so much time on it. ;)
- its been a while
Crap for some reason mediafire.com doesn't work. Can u post the mod as an attachement?
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[20:18] <@Cevius> Like semen?