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D3m0nz has another replay thread. You should look at it.
Hi. o/

A bit rusty, but, latest replay.
Attached Files
D3 - Out of sight.rpl (289.9 KB, 288 views)
Well, opener was okay.
Split was kinda awesome, clean and looked powerful.
The punch was alright, the next hit was okay too, nothing special behind those two hits.
The last hit was fast and looked clean and powerful, maybe it can be more destructive.
Pose was nice.
"People become stronger cause there are memories they won't forget."
Pretty fucking amazing, not one flaw. Amazing flow, movement etc. How could you make a replay that destructive clean?!?! Really good!
The spin is good and all, and the split is like a knife through butter, but the decap punch looked more like butter through a knife. Also it looked a bit grabby.
The semi boomhit was good, but it wasn't solid.
I liked what you did with the torso, but why did you ghost your arm through your leg? I ignore that most of the time, but being this a realism replay, I think it's a flaw.
oh yeah
Oh, just a note.
I was going for flawless in this replay, so, just add that to the good side, maybe. :3

Edit -
New replay.
-50 Grav.
Attached Files
D3 - Stay Low.rpl (374.0 KB, 164 views)
Last edited by Kiza; Oct 8, 2012 at 04:24 AM.
D3 you are not human o.o lol
the opener was good
the boom is beautiful
the skeet with the leg part was awesome
but the arm broking at the end was a little unneed but fine
the pose was good
|10th dan| |Sicker than the remix| |So damn sick of being so damn sick| |Doing it better than you could in your dreams|
The opener looked like a pretty simple way of gaining momentum, nothing too complicated.
The boomhit was good, and it was also pretty clean.
You landed on a really strange position.
The next boomhit was not so clean, but it was pretty destructive.
The punch was common, too generic to find flaws on.
The skeet was also good, I usually prefer long range skeets.
oh yeah
I liked this one. the opener was quick and clean, the first punch was well executed and smooth. i really like the way that you used your hand to flip yourself around and go for the decap. the decap was quite clean too. however, i wasnt a huge fan of the landing and posing at the end. i'd give this one a solid 8/10.