Original Post
More whining from Jato (rank issues)
after the recent rank update, i noticed that i was logged for a total of 309 matches, while the rank update before that dispayed 415 matches for me.  i'm pretty sure that i have played between 500 and 600 matches so far.  it doesn't really matter to me, but thought I'd let someone know.  did my rank take a dive because of my crappy playing, or the lack of win/loss accounting?

it was probably my crappy performance
Re: More whining from Jato (rank issues)
might have not updated yet, its not live, it gets updated weekly.


Re: More whining from Jato (rank issues)
I'm pretty sure it got updated Sunday. my total matches played went from 415 to 309. the actual rank went from 180000+ to 167906.
Re: More whining from Jato (rank issues)
Originally Posted by Jato
after the recent rank update, i noticed that i was logged for a total of 309 matches, while the rank update before that dispayed 415 matches for me. i'm pretty sure that i have played between 500 and 600 matches so far. it doesn't really matter to me, but thought I'd let someone know. did my rank take a dive because of my crappy playing, or the lack of win/loss accounting?

it was probably my crappy performance

hmm.. I have to look into this.

Thanks for reporting it.