Gameplay should always be the most important element in a video game. Without it, it's not really a game. The biggest mistake that commercial video game developers make is focusing more on elements other than gameplay.
The Geese is Leese!
Originally Posted by NinjaVenom View Post
Gameplay should always be the most important element in a video game. Without it, it's not really a game. The biggest mistake that commercial video game developers make is focusing more on elements other than gameplay.

totally agree with this.
sure, games with high quality graphics are nice to look at, but in the long run it's not enough to make you play the game repeatedly. game developers should always put their main focus on the gameplay.
the gameplay should be fun
the graphics should be good enough so that the game's art style is not lost or made worse by them
oh yeah
As long as the atmosphere isn't lost by the lack of graphical detail. Then it's fine with me.
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.
Gameplay, as long as I am able to see what is happening I'm ok with it.
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If the game is a total eyesore, I can't play it. But definitely Gameplay. Like Minecraft, TB, etc. My dad is always like "Why do you play these low graphics games." Because they're fun and better than most highly graphical, repetitive and easily predictable high end stuff :P
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Fear sucks eggs

It would vary on the type of game which you didnt really set out for discussion on.

For most games yes game play is far more important.

Games that are purely graphical adventure games on the other hand obviously graphics. by these game's i mean the purely linear games where you dont really have much to do other than to walk around a haunted Forrest trying to find clues. (just an example plot)
CkyToH/GuineaTigg Active from Mar 2008 - Jan 2019
I'm one of those people who think graphics just need to be there so you can understand what the shape of the item is. I think gameplay is amazing, and with more gameplay comes more content. I play those games that have so many aspects to them that you get lost and can't find your way out. I like unique gems with custom touches. Graphics can be nice, but Toribash has the nicest graphics that I ever want to see in a game.