Original Post
yoghurts a lot
Well, I have some bad news. I'm stepping down as leader of vibe. I'm also leaving. There are a few reasons. I'm getting busier and busier all the time, and leading a clan is just that little bit too much work. The number of queries and PM's asking me why there is nobody in #vibe and how to get to know the clan which I have received is enormous, even a little excessive. After helping in the creation of and spending a good three or so months in this clan I can say that I'm not ever going to fully leave it behind; I'll idle in #v and lurk in this forum just as much as ever (whether you want me to or not). I'll be applying for Sigma asap, I think that they fit me well and I've been invited a few times. I hope that none of you think any worse of me.

I spent most of today waiting for Cretor to get on irc, but I couldn't wait any more. Sorry bro.
I've given cretor founder status in #v. If he wants it, I'd like Fargle to replace me. I'll remove myself from the memberlist as soon as I get on my computer tonight.

Bye [vibe], and have fun, guys. o7.
Why can't you just step down from leadership but stay here? I don't understand. Are you quitting Toribash or just letting go some responsibilities to fulfil your duties as smod?

I asked you if we were gunna see less of you when you got smod, and you said no
I just got back, and now you're leaving. Even though I never got to know you this is still bad news for me. Bye and good luck getting into Sigma. :<
º7th Dan Black Beltº
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(゚、 。 7
 l、 ~ヽ(
 じしf_ )ノ

Originally Posted by Cor3y View Post
Why can't you just step down from leadership but stay here? I don't understand. Are you quitting Toribash or just letting go some responsibilities to fulfil your duties as smod?

I asked you if we were gunna see less of you when you got smod, and you said no

I figured it'd be pretty hard for me to stop myself from going 'ok i wanna be a leader again' if I were to stay here. I don't want to do that. I guess this is about letting go of some responsibility. You won't see any less of me, as I said, I'm still going to be here whether you want me or not.

Also, thanks Katzen. :V
honestly, as long as you are still around in any of the channels, nothing will change at least for me. It's not like you did much as leader anyways This clan is pretty self-sustaining as is.

Good luck on future ventures anyways.
5:13 PM - vasp: everybody's nuts is so good
[00:18:38] <&vespesi3n> you should see when i swallow
[21:49:37] <&vespesi3n> >my mouth when
[21:49:43] <&vespesi3n> >my tastebuds when
Uhh yeah, just wanna say that we didn't deliberately steal lsl (or I didn't at least) Sorry guys :C
lead Sigma