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Negative Starting Distance Contest! Win 3500 Credits!

-Negative 100 Contest!


set_StartDist(); -100
set_Frames(); 750
set_TFrames(); 5
set_FracTH(); 0
set_DMTH(); 100
set_Dojo(); 0
set_Frac(); 1
set_DM(); 1
set_DQ(); 0
set_SD(); 0


Hello to you, and welcome to the -Negative 100 Contest! Your mission is to create the most exhilarating replay starting with the distance setting of negative 100 (-100).

Exhilarating? You may ask. And I will explain! By this I mean that your replay must be entertaining, do something you don't normally see happening in Toribash. Use fluid movements with little pauses, no jerk-like movements unless they actually provide some damage to Uke.


set_Rule1(); Absolutely no text editor edits.
set_Rule2(); Use Fluid Movements, little to no pausing between moves uless it provides a dramatic pause. i.e. you're going to break the neck with an arm lock, so you pause, look up...*SNAP!*
set_Rule3(); Stick to the setup options I have displayed at the top of this post.
set_Rule4(); Have fun!


_________________________________________________set_PrizeFirst(); 3500 Forum Credits
set_PrizeSecond(); 2000 Forum Credits
set_PrizeThird(); 1500 Forum Credits

Contest will run until January 7th, after which it will be put up again as a vote. Good luck and happy bashing!
Posting Key:

set_StartDist(); Starting Distance
set_Frames(); Replay Frames
set_TFrames(); Turn Frames
set_FracTH(); Fracture Threshold
set_DMTH(); Dismemberment Threshold
set_Dojo(); Dojo Size
set_Frac(); Fractures
set_DM(); Dismemberment
set_DQ(); Disqualification
set_SD(); Self Damage
set_Rule1(); Rule 1
set_Rule2(); Rule 2
set_Rule3(); Rule 3
set_Rule4(); Rule 4
set_PrizeFirst(); Prize 1
set_PrizeSec(); Prize 2
set_PrizeThird(); Prize 3

Don't ask why I did all of the set_ stuff. Being creative ;)