Original Post
Private board
I've been told that you paid Hamr for a private clan board.

However, due to the 6-month requirement, you can't have it for another 11 days or so.

I'll make it then.

Until then, though, I need to verify that you paid.

Who sent the TC to Hamr? That's all I need to know.
i think it was myi with our bank account
name of it is canbank
or cannbank

damn i never remember if it was with one n or with two n xD
myi with our bank account
but myi is a vacation
I'll do >:D >:D >:D and YOU'll do :S:S:S:S:S:S:S
Okay then, payment verified.

What should the board be called, and what do you want the description to be?

Description is optional.
nawh dude make it
blinded by the light

also im the one who reminded him about it so thanks jesse !_!
yeah that does sound like a good name for it.
11 days damn
ex Ldr[HoLy]iceman21...
...we have come.....