Original Post
Tractus Galea Head by Vitiek
Artist: Vitiek
Prev. Owner: Diamond (I think)
Size: 512 x 512
Recolor: No
Price: Looking for around 700k-1.5kk
Think the price is crazy high? Cool. Bye.
Last edited by Cartier; Aug 20, 2018 at 06:16 AM.
I am just an icon livin'
Please add if you are willing to recolor and if so how much
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Originally Posted by Athin View Post
Please add if you are willing to recolor and if so how much

I am just an icon livin'
what is the highest offer you got and from who? proof would be great so i know how much i should offer. and if you have discord, it would be easier talking there.
I've had an in game offer of 700k from Praet0r I think was his name but I don't have ss. Anything lower than 700k will make me think you're trynna be funny and I will ask you to stop commenting on this thread. This is the last warning.
I am just an icon livin'
Originally Posted by Turtle View Post
I've had an in game offer of 700k from Praet0r I think was his name but I don't have ss. Anything lower than 700k will make me think you're trynna be funny and I will ask you to stop commenting on this thread. This is the last warning.

ya cuz Praet0r totally has 700k

ill offer 270k
Warned ya either way, my head and my price. You can stop commenting on this post now. Comeback once your offer is above 700k.
I am just an icon livin'