Original Post
[VID] Project bazinga (Need madmans!) 🎥

Knock knock knock Penny!

Link to The Big Bang Theory fan club.

Project bazinga is a video
project based on a remix of
the The Big Bang Theory's
theme song.

The video will be around 3 - 4 minutes
long. And I want to squeeze
in as many madman replays as possible.

Here's what the beginning looks like so far.


So start uploading your madman replays!
Last edited by Hypersaint; Oct 5, 2015 at 03:31 PM.
Attached Files
[MM] #Nubz - Apocalyptic.rpl (201.1 KB, 3 views)
[MM] #S - C.U.B.A.rpl (267.6 KB, 3 views)
[MM] #S - Hell.rpl (181.9 KB, 2 views)
[MM] #S - Voodo.rpl (250.3 KB, 2 views)
[MM] #S Rebirthing.rpl (148.6 KB, 2 views)
[M] Six Shooter.rpl (206.9 KB, 2 views)
Chara: "Who knew people can have periods from their chests?"
Thanks for all the replays so far!

The video quality may seem bad.
But that is because I have Added a small blur.
It is already removed.

Still looking for replays.
Ok Here
Be Sure To /dl hassan2000 Before Using! Thanks ;)
Attached Files
~Sectum_Octra.rpl (388.8 KB, 2 views)
In The WRONG Hood.rpl (299.8 KB, 3 views)
*Pulls more tail then a special needs child at the petting zoo*