One of the free loot boxes are guaranteed to give you a skin shard of a champion that you own, the other is guaranteed to give you Ashe & Garen with a skin for one of them.
play less normals if you want to go anywhere
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

TyZi: Any tips for dealing with coming back on snowball champions like Akali?

Hit Level 20! First game with Runes!!!

I'm enjoying this so much. I've never been a OTP, but I love every minute of it. I can feel myself starting to understand the combos, and it frees up so much more time to think about the macro decisions instead of just "Hey how much damage do I do? How do I play this match up?"

In my last 20 games, I went positive 18 out of them, and have had plenty of games like these where I just pop-off. I really really hate jungling as Akali. One because I don't know how and two because no runes and masteries means I am just like.. getting obliterated by the minions. Hoping I only play Top and Mid. The only bad part is when I get banned and have to dodge. That's frustrating. But right now, I'm 24 W 7 L, 4.32 KDA ratio, and ~126 CS which I know is way way too low.
Last edited by Bodhisattva; Aug 6, 2017 at 07:57 AM.
Originally Posted by Bodhisattva View Post
TyZi: Any tips for dealing with coming back on snowball champions like Akali?

Hit Level 20! First game with Runes!!!

I'm enjoying this so much. I've never been a OTP, but I love every minute of it. I can feel myself starting to understand the combos, and it frees up so much more time to think about the macro decisions instead of just "Hey how much damage do I do? How do I play this match up?"

In my last 20 games, I went positive 18 out of them, and have had plenty of games like these where I just pop-off. I really really hate jungling as Akali. One because I don't know how and two because no runes and masteries means I am just like.. getting obliterated by the minions. Hoping I only play Top and Mid. The only bad part is when I get banned and have to dodge. That's frustrating. But right now, I'm 24 W 7 L, 4.32 KDA ratio, and ~126 CS which I know is way way too low.

either play safe in lane or in teamfights, cc and peel. or try to

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often times you'll see people say they lost the lane by missing 4 cs and losing a trade rofl, but akali shouldn't snowball until after 6 in the first place. im always up 25-30 cs by managing minions to be just in front of my tower where akali can lose cs or lose health for each cs similarly to fizz. its guranteed setups for ganks too simce shehas to be so far up.. after 6 play back to where she can't reach you with her ult and keep your lead, till she tries to roam and violently spam mia to where shes going. then she loses gold and xp. safe to say if u make it this far ur shit team is gonna die to her until you group and cc her in fights. when i play tf my ult makes it easy to squash her in her w and i peel for my backline that she ults to

she is as easy as a champion like zed or fizz to snowball, and her retard proof kit can be hard to beat if you suck enough to feed her
Last edited by TyZi; Aug 6, 2017 at 09:31 PM.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Originally Posted by TyZi View Post
often times you'll see people say they lost the lane by missing 4 cs and losing a trade rofl, but akali shouldn't snowball until after 6 in the first place. im always up 25-30 cs by managing minions to be just in front of my tower where akali can lose cs or lose health for each cs similarly to fizz. its guranteed setups for ganks too simce shehas to be so far up.. after 6 play back to where she can't reach you with her ult and keep your lead, till she tries to roam and violently spam mia to where shes going. then she loses gold and xp. safe to say if u make it this far ur shit team is gonna die to her until you group and cc her in fights. when i play tf my ult makes it easy to squash her in her w and i peel for my backline that she ults to

she is as easy as a champion like zed or fizz to snowball, and her retard proof kit can be hard to beat if you suck enough to feed her

No I'm sorry, I meant if I'm the Akali and due to say a jungle gank or whatever I'm losing lane by say 15 CS and a kill, I just now hit 6, and if I leave top the bruiser will hard farm and or take turret. How do I get back into it?
Originally Posted by Bodhisattva View Post
No I'm sorry, I meant if I'm the Akali and due to say a jungle gank or whatever I'm losing lane by say 15 CS and a kill, I just now hit 6, and if I leave top the bruiser will hard farm and or take turret. How do I get back into it?

depending on the skill level of the opponents it would be difficult. learning how to ward and avoid a gank is useful. i would only ever lose lane if i get counter picked, and if i do, i try to freeze the wave early in the game and get the jungler. often times in lower elo your opponent usually just blindly autos the wave, this causes the wave to push towards your tower. if you freeze it correctly, you can control the lane in such the tower is not hitting the enemy minions, whilst making it difficult for the opponent to get cs, and is highly vulnerable to ganks.

now assuming you just played it wrong, then i would try to take advantage of akali's power spike and gank around level 6. put wards in order to set up picks with your jungler. control wards etc. it also helps to push the wave before leaving the lane. if you were against someone like pantheon honestly you cant do much but pray that your team carries you
Originally Posted by Bodhisattva View Post
Because I do nothing small, and I'm silly, I started a one trick pony account. Decided to play Akali! She's tons of fun, I can go top/mid or even jungle if I accidentally don't get my two picks with her. Binge watching the hell out of Professor Akali to learn her. Overall, just having a blast relearning how to play league without the stress of already being level 30 with all that's changed. Also - I'm starting nursing school in a few weeks, so hey, got the skin.

So Far

Feels weird not having runes and masteries though haha. My CS suffers and I sometimes way overestimate what's going to happen.


Oh boy, I just realized I started this account 2 days ago. Well I guess I've been playing too much. Almost level 26, and excitedly enough - I hit Mastery Level 6 today on Akali on this Akali only play.