Original Post
Fake prom staged for lesbian student
Bigots don't change without a fight, it seems.

It's ok. The more media attention - the worse for them ;)
That sucks, i have nothing against homosexual relationships as long as they don't come out to me. They're acting like just being lesbian is hurting somebody. Anyway, something similar happened at my school except with a boy. It's probably not uncommon.
bring back wibbles
now that is FUCKED UP. Seriously, what school would have the right of mind to do that? people don't make a bar, and have homosexuals go there to trick them. Seriously, if i were their parents i would be asking to sue the school.
You need to consider where this happened; a small country town in rural Mississippi. Homosexuality, although tolerated, is not exactly something that is wanted. I'm not saying that this makes what they did acceptable, it's just that you shouldn't be so surprised at what occurred.
@Bio: Who would the parents ask, if they wanted to sue? xD

That really is quite disturbing though, but I have to agree with the article... "non-discrimination is a right, but a bad high school experience is an inevitability."
alt of shadowy carp
The girl/her parents have every right to sue the school. It violates First Amendment rights and anti-discrimination laws.
poor child...lets hope she doesnt go "colombine" on their asses...i would feel pretty shitty if somebody amd me go to a different prom because i was different...thats like not letting black people or mexicans or jews or anybody else go to an event....she probbably had friends going to the other prom.....unless she didnt have which case that would be okay cuz she she's happy...she should still deserve to pick where she wanted to go...
because it's mississipi, not surprising but I find it funny that not everyone has accepted lesbianism or homosexuality.

That must have been the worst feeling in the world showing up to that "prom"
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
Wow man. I would totally shoot up the school if I was her. Or atleast like, go get HIV somewhere, and

*Turn the female majority into lesbians
*Give them all STDs.

That is disgusting. What is wrong with them. Grown up people doing that!
Last edited by Alphons; Apr 7, 2010 at 05:08 PM.