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How to scroll through the chat
I saw someone account trading today but wasnt fast enoght to take a screenshot so is there anyway to scroll up in the chat? The only screenshot i got was him saying idc jkawig which i deleted
Are you on Mac or windows? For windows I think it'd just page up and for Mac it's fn + the arrow keys. Also if you had your client open the whole day, there's a point where the chat stops. If it was just now them your fine.
If it's an account trade, just notify staff and they can keep track of who logs in, etc..
Uhm, but yeah, there's a point where the chat cuts off, so if you've been in chat for long,
odds are you can't see that conversation anymore..
But Windows = Page Up - Page Down or Home - End to get to the top/end of the chat
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.