Part Three.

This is for people who can answer general questions about dreams, philosophical questions are included.
Do animals dream? If so, what kind of animals? Mammals, such as mice/rats, cats, dogs, etc dream (as far as I know from watching them sleep).
Do you dream in black and white? No.
Do you dream in color? Yes.
Do dreams serve a purpose? Yes.
If so, what is their purpose? The purpose of dreams, in my opinion, is to subconsciously guide us through problems in our life, if we can decipher them.
Why do we dream? (Answered in the above question)
Can dreams be premonitions? (If so, perhaps provide examples of dreams that you have had, and what events they correlate to.) Yes, dreams can be premonitions, but I have not yet had one to foresee any events.
Is our brain any different when we are dreaming from when we are awake? Yes.
How is it different from our dreams and reality? When we are dreaming our minds create a strong, lucid environment where the impossible can be created AND there are fewer worldly distractions, which means that problem solving becomes easier; though when we are awake, the same environment would be much weaker from our version of "logical thinking", saying that what we imagine cannot be happening because it is not there in front of us for our conscious minds to register.

I sincerely hope that my answers have helped, and congratulations on 1) Being accepted into Yale and 2) Being accepted into Yale's Summer Institute for the Gifted program.

Best of luck with your life,

Brandon (A.K.A TwinSeed1)
Anytime, I adore philosophy/psychology. I'm going to study it in college (not sure which yet, but I have a few years left to think) and become a counseling therapist n_n
Originally Posted by trikskier View Post

What kind of music do you listen to before you go to sleep?

songs with a lot of bass and is turnt up LOUD or are calm(to me they are)
What kind of movies do you watch before you go to sleep?

i dont watch movies but i watch adult swim every night

What games/genre of games do you play before you go to sleep?

toribash wii or xgen studios

For experiments sake, try listening/watching/playing for one night. When you wake up, record your 'dream' and the mood you woke up in.
The next night, don't play/listen/watch anything before you go to bed, and record your 'dream' and the mood you wake up in.
Do you notice a difference? If so, what was it? Was it for the better or for the worse?
thats gonna be hard :S

Do you feel as though you can hear your music during your dream, or as if you are a character in your game/movie?
Yes i can. weird actually

Part Three.

This is for people who can answer general questions about dreams, philosophical questions are included.

Do animals dream?
yes animals do dream
If so, what kind of animals?
i don't know what kind but my dauchsands do
Do you dream in black and white?
Do you dream in color?
Do dreams serve a purpose?
idk there all random :P
Why do we dream?