Original Post
[UNCE] Democracy
This is a list of all the UNCE RULES. Our UNCE Rules work like a democracy. so feel free to post what you think needs added, revised or deleted.

Clan UNCE Rules:

Server Rules
these are the rules that apply to the UNCE server, and are strictly to be followed.
  1. Clan server belt restriction is constantly set at either BROWN belt.
  2. No CHEAP mods. Allowed Mods are the ones that are played on other NON CLAN servers, such as Wushu, Judo, Freestyle, ect. Other allowed mods are Handsaw Jousting, Extreme Jousting (and more to come, list your thoughts.)
Recruiting Rules
these are the rules that apply to UNCE recruiting, and they are to be strictly followed.
  1. For MEMBERS, you are allowed to unofficially recruit a person, and test them and see how good they are. BUT you do not tell them they have a spot in the clan, or anything like that, you tell them they have proven their worth to you, and then you direct them to an official recruiter, and your job is done.
  2. For RECRUITERS and MODERATORS, you are allowed to more officially, than the members, recruit someone, you test them with other recruiters, and then once they have passed your assessment test, you then invite the Leader, Co Leader, or Advisor of UNCE into the server, and they will give the final assessment to the trainee.
  3. BUT to instill a system of CHECKS AND BALANCES, if a High Recruiter, such as the Leader, or Co Leader, or Advisor, feels that they can recruit someone, they also have to seek the decision of the Recruiters for what they think, and most likely it wont affect the decision, and they will be put into the clan, Just to keep communication between members flowing.
  4. All members must be given a poll into which they are voted in by clan members with a 75% vote.
  5. In this poll, you must complete a small resume about yourself, talking about Past gaming experience, What you think you can do for this clan, and Why you believe you are an person who deserves to be in UNCE.
General Rules
these are rules that apply to general game play, and forum talk.
  1. A WARNING system will be established in the clan, with a end result of you being kicked from the clan, EVERYONE can be warned, and the power to warn others goes by the following. 1 point will be given with each warning, and 3 warnings will result in a suspension, and 2 more will result in expulsion from the clan. This applies for everyone, even the Clan Leader himself, just because you are high up, doesn't mean you can walk over everyone, you will be brought to justice.
  • Generally, when warned, you only receive 1 warning point, which adds up to the total 3, resulting in suspension, and then the next 2, totaled 5, which results in expulsion.
  • Members have the right to REPORT to Co Leaders, Leaders and Moderators, and a full account must be given so justice may be served.
  • Co Leaders, Leaders and Moderators have the right to warn, but proof must be given so corruption doesn't rear its ugly head.
  1. Racial Slurs and excessive cussing WILL NOT BE TOLERATED, resulting in a warning, and another warning for continued flaming.
  2. Spamming in threads will not be tolerated, if you spam you get an unofficial warning, you do it again, and you get a warning, followed by another if you continue.
  3. Adding onto the Racial Slurs and excessive cussing, a temper will not be tolerated for long. we will understand if you have something going on in your life and you arent doing well, but you should respect yourself enough to get off or switch servers and cool down, but do not take it out on fellow UNCE members, therefore this will result in 1 warning if you violate.
  4. Begging will NOT be tolerated. The only acquisitions you may make, are those that are offered to you. If you are not offered anything, you may ask around nicely 1 time, and use that 1 time wisely, because thats all you get, and need to ask. Also, look under the SHOP thread because im sure there are a ton of things there. but begging more than once, and more constantly, will result in 1 warning per beg.
  5. Concerning members that need kicking without the full amount of warnings. If the person is really causing that much rucus, he can be voted out of the clan by a 75% majority vote from all clan members. but the poll has to be officially set up by a leader or DJ.
This is not the end, i am just exhausted for the night and i believe that there is way more to be added, so if you want to be mature and you care about what is going on with the clan, please post your thoughts. And the warning system is in effect from now on out for all that have read this, and especially in here, you will get a warning so don't slip up and try to be funny.
Last edited by Anesthetik; Feb 18, 2008 at 12:05 AM.
for your recruiting rules, where do the moderators (DJ's) [Myself and goodmonkey] fit?

nice rules btw
Since when did I become Asian?
Scheczudio, added a rule that has to do with anger towards other players.
Jdawg, Moderators are on the same recruiting level as Recruiters are.

Keep it coming, come back for more if you have any ideas. and remember, just because i don't have power in this clan, i still can enforce this and i will make sure you are brought to justice.
erm... fine... but mods used to be on the same recruiting level as the leader and co leader... and last time i checked with blam that hadn't change...
Since when did I become Asian?
I am going to set this up a little cleaner. Nice so far. I am just going to upgrade them a little better. So that they can be understood easier.
Well mods should have to still check with the leader and co leader to make sure things get done correctly? and thanks VX, mod status?
Don't get angry Anes xD

I really can't think of anything more. I guess saying gg after any match is an etiquette. And don't be a sore loser. After all, toribash is a game
[A L P H A]