Original Post
[5,000 Posts] My Progress...
Hey guys, I wanted to take the time and celebrate my 5,000th post! This thread is not only to celebrate that I have 5,000 posts, but it is also to show my progress throughout Toribash and show what my accomplishments were. I am going to try to make this thread as much fun as possible! Or entertaining I should say.

My First Threads (I have so many posts that I can only search up my past 20 pages)

-Quite the Replay Maker
[i]Arm Stand!!!![i]
-Think im obbsessed with tearing off "All" the leg

-Quite the Texture Maker
-Head Texture! Your Name on Back, Or Default PWNT.
-[S]Mountain Dew Set

As you can see, I had some quite humorous posts (In my opinion)
when I first joined. I know my art back then was quite rough, but
I did bring up my skills so much that I am a graphics artist and 
have currently banked over 3000$ from just online sales. I am
currently working on a 50$ request too. I will post more art
by me in my later works.

My past clans and a review about them.

-Wicked: This clan was quite fun, even though it is a dead clan now. I joined it not too long before it died out and became nothing but an old DSC. That is where I met N8T (-ian- my cousin) and he continued to come to the clans I was in.
-Secret: Ah, Secret was quite the clan when I joined. It was number one, competing with USSR constantly. I became a high rank in that clan and also was the In-game leader before I left. Great clan but has some things that it needs to fix. I left because of the same reason Assazin (Shift) left. Too much change, getting too strict, and change in Leadership (No change in people, just change in the way it was).
-Teknik: Teknik was an alright clan, short lived, unofficial, I joined because I was asked by my good friend Tricerafi.
-Mr: Was only in this clan for a very short period of time. Got scammed by leader and Co-Leader at the time was a dick. I got kicked but was leaving anyways. Bullshit clan when Tim left it. Unfortunate that he did.
-TPC: TPC was a great clan, I loved that clan and still do. PieGod is one of my favorite people on toribash and he is just awesome. Thanks for the great time! Love you!

-eVo: I was never in eVo, but I did get constantly invited by the leader, Tripstone to join. Lots of people in that clan urged me to go there and I never did. I did make an app there before I made Ultimate, but withdrew it to make this clan <3. I love eVo and it's always like my second clan. Always willing to help them out, that's why I'm their events leader. I am always welcome there and that is why I put this on the list. Love you guys (Trip, P0int, Coke, Smokie, Eddy, and others)

People I met throughout Toribash that made a difference.

-EJM: EJM was one of the first people I knew on Toribash and continue to be good friends with. Great friend, love him, and always willing to help him if he needs anything.
-Shift (Assazin): I met Adam in Secret as an In-Game Tester and we became what I like to think good friends. He is awesome and I always enjoy to talk to him. Whether I am in a bad mood or not, he seems to always be there for me. Love you bro.
Kunamikaii:inb4 you say I didn't mention you but you never refreshed the page. Love you buddy, forever and always. Aidan for life! <33333 Hehe but yeah, made an impact on my tb career by loving me back.
-Orko: Orko is my fuckbuddy. Not sure what more to say.
-P0int: This guy has been a friend for a long time and I love him. He is an awesome monk and always there for me and I am always there for him. He knows everything about my "Toribash Career" almost and knows things that I want to do that some people don't.
-Huck: Good friend, always there for me, and fun to talk about coding with. He is a great player in my eyes even though he sucks ;) and he is just an awesome person to hang around.
-Box: He has some dirty flaps, but he is still a good friend.
-Aracoon: You are fun to talk to, I love you, and you continue to bug me about things that I don't care about <3 hehe. Jk.
-ed: ur fuct kid. Love you bro.
-Faint: Always doing my dirty work, jk, but yeah, most active GM almost and I talk to you quite a bit, you changed a few opinions of mine. Just fuckin with ya, but you know. I like you.... ALOT.... hehe jk
-Firebolty: I know it seems I am naming a lot of staff members, but these guys were not staff when I first met them. Firebolty always gets naked pictures from me and he's just an awesome friendly guy to get to know.
Azuremage: Great guy, always a great friend. Welcome to Ultimate with open arms because he would be like family. Love you bro, you are awesome and always there for me. Ever need my help, just ask.
Eddy: Bitchin about not being on the list? Love you buddy, old friend and always willing to help you out <3
-Uric: He liked me better when I was UNDEAD21, but always willing to help him, good guy to talk too. Did the 2012 world championships for him (art)
-Fish: Got to know him pretty well, almost joined Fish, but left before my app was fully voted on, tired of that bullshit djfishcake shit ;). Fish is a cool guy and great admin. Bought like 5 namechanges on alts from him. Lol Woots. Love you buddy
[i]-Kristis133: Good friend, always there, helps me host things and get things done. He has great ideas and willing to help me out whenever he can. I will always help him out with whatever he needs. Love you bud.
-Tripstone: Just a great guy to have as a friend, always good to talk to and play in-game.
-PieGod: Already said you were a great friend, great leader, and love talking to you.
-Tim: Good friend of mine, always keep in contact, or at least once in a while now;)
-ian-: Last but not least, my cousin. Great guy, love him, and always hang out with and first choice to go to in-game. He has almost followed me through my Toribash Career, and I followed him through his almost. Love you buddy.

If you are not in the list, nothing against you,
just put down a lot of people already. So Mocrogunz,
CoKe, Kuna, Mrootz, Fyr, Facade, Hush,Jetfox etc, 
I love you all,but I am just limited.

Some of my latest works

Youtube channel Speedarts

Youtube Channel Cinema4d and after effects

Most recently Sold Art (for money)

Art for Toribash

Overall Statement of My Toribash Career

-Alright, so I am going to re-cap on my Toribash Life. I started Toribash around May 2011, as the name UNDEAD21. I found Toribash really fun and cool, so I continued to play and learn a lot more. I joined Wicked, then Secret (not clan hopping, just keeping this part short), then the other clans. I became pretty popular on UNDEAD21, but nobody knows the name anymore because I got a namechange almost a year ago to Beta. It has been quite a journey for me, I started out as a little noob, and now I am quite popular throughout Toribash (Not being arrogant). I get lots of questions asking if I am a smod, or admin, but you know, all denied. Quite weird when i get that, I just have gained a lot of knowledge about Toribash. I pretty much know everything that can and can't be done throughout the forums, even though I still make mistakes, but don't we all? I know pretty much all the commands and just enjoy helping people out in #Support. People ask why I'm not staff yet, all I can say, is maybe one day. Obviously not today. I hope you guys enjoyed this and got a full recap on my Toribash Career. It has been quite a journey for me and the people around me.
Last edited by Jak; Apr 17, 2013 at 07:34 AM.
Happy Halloween!!!!!
[u]Ultimate | Team Shit-ido | National GayTerrorist Club |Photoshop Corp.
R.I.P UNDEAD21, Beta, and Assazin
Congrats master :P THIS PICTURE OMFG LOLGER /invade
Swexx | Beta | Internet | Erth| Orko | Suck | Water | Numbers |
Congrats Beta. It's nice to see that you are successful in doing what you love to do.
If only everyone could be as sexy as me
No life. Huehuehuehuehuehuehue

jk <3
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥((((/\/\WOLFE ORKO/\/\))))♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
He threatened me! :O
Happy Halloween!!!!!
[u]Ultimate | Team Shit-ido | National GayTerrorist Club |Photoshop Corp.
R.I.P UNDEAD21, Beta, and Assazin
Yo. Congratulations, I guess.
~Rainbow Belt|[Tint]|Rank 32~
~GameMaster|BISH|GameGrad|ORMO|ToriPrime L-Mod~


Toribash World Championship 2011 Runner Up

<AlphasoniK> Kristis: What the fuck is wrong with you, rainbow loving panda freak.
Seriously, try to piss standing up for a change. No life girly pants dimwit.